Chapter 3: Captured

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Frisk's P.O.V

I heard Sans curse with annoyance. Curious, I asked him what was going on, but he only responded with a calming, "Everything's okay sweetheart, don't worry", but I could tell he was starting to get stressed out. I heard a voice call out from the distance. "BROTHER?! IS THAT YOU?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!", the voice instantly startled me. "Papyrus!", I panicked to myself, while clutching onto Sans. Suddenly, I heard Papyrus snicker mischievously. I held on to Sans with more grip than before, but fell into the cold snow. "Sweethea-", I heard Sans call out to me, but his voice slowly started to fade. My whole entire body was numb. I heard Sans yell at his brother as I felt my SOUL, being brought out to battle, I couldn't tell where Sans was, or Flowey. I squeezed my chest tightly. Everything was a blur, my head started to spin rapidly. I felt a sharp pain shoot through me. I couldn't tell what was happening, the world around me seemed to disappear. Until everything went silent.

I woke up, in a mysterious room, I couldn't see anything, and tried to crawl around, the stench of the place smelled horrible, and made me gag in disgust. I reached out my arm, hoping to find a wall or any furniture, I felt a wooden bar, and grabbed onto it. I then reached out beside it and felt another bar, but they were quite far apart from each other that I could fit through them, I then stood up slowly and ignored the pain of the flowers as I tried to find an exit. I felt a door knob, and turned it rapidly, but it was locked. I realized that after I had blacked out, I could've been ambushed by another monster. The bars were probably meant to keep me from escaping, but whoever made them, didn't really think about the gap sizes the bars should've been placed in. I sat in the corner of the small room, and tried to make out where I could've been. I crawled around once more, and felt two bowls, one was filled with water, but I could tell it was dirty by the smell of it. And the other, had food, but it was dry and hard, so I just assumed that it was meant for dogs. In the other corner, was a small cushion, it was probably a dog bed. I heard two faint voices from outside of my little 'cell', one of them sounded furious, and the other sounded annoyed. I strained my ears to hear what they were saying. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!", a familiar voice shouted angrily, it sounded like Sans. The second voice sounded like Papyrus. He sounded calm, but had a tone of annoyance in his voice. I couldn't hear what he said, so I waited patiently for the conversation to continue, but it was pure silence for the next few minutes. My heart started to beat faster as I heard the door knob start to shake furiously. On the other side I heard a tiny, muffled voice. "Ugh...I hate being this small...Why won't this stupid door open??", I couldn't really tell who's voice it belonged to. The door finally swung open, "Frisk? Oh thank god I found you!", the voice whispered, it was Flowey! My heart started to beat normally again. As hope flooded through me. "Hurry come on! We gotta........S-Shit....", I panicked, seeing as Flowey had never cursed before, I heard someone else enter the room. "HMM...WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE? YOU AREN'T TRYING TO FREE YOUR FRIEND NOW ARE YOU?", it was Papyrus....Great...Perfect....I'm gonna die..I heard Flowey gulp before his voice was muffled by Papyrus covering his mouth. "HMPH...FILTHY LITTLE CREATURES....I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BROTHER WOULD BEFRIEND SUCH DISGUSTING BEINGS...I WOULD NEVER HAVE SUCH LOW STANDARDS!!!", he snorted in annoyance. Seconds later I heard Flowey's muffled scream, until I heard a small thud come from outside. Papyrus had probably tossed him outside. Worry began to rise up in my chest as I tried to yell out my companion's name, but no words came out. I heard the door slam shut, as Papyrus walked closer to me. "WHOOPS.....I DIDN'T MEAN TO DROP YOUR LITTLE BUDDY, MY HAND JUST SLIPPED", he sneered down at me. Anger boiled up inside my stomach, as I was finally able to get words to come out of me. "What did I ever do to you?", I tried to ask calmly, but my frustration was clearly showing. "I gave you monsters my SOUL! I set you free! So why?! Why are you still doing this?!", I cried with the temptation to just punch Papyrus so hard, that his SOUL would shatter. "You were always so bitter and cruel! This is why Sans hates you!", I finally realized what I had said, and covered my mouth in surprise, "I-I'm s-sorry, I-I didn't m-mean to-", I stopped mid sentence once I realized that Papyrus had kneeled down, and was face to face with me. I gulped in fear. The air around us thickened, as my breathing started to shorten. "HMPH, LISTEN HUMAN, I DON'T CARE AT ALL  ABOUT THAT LAZY TRASHBAG, HE'S JUST A USELESS BAG OF BONES THAT NO ONE WANTS!", he spat bitterly. I lifted my head to face him, even though I couldn't see a thing. Anger once again, started to rise up inside me, but I slowly held it back. " Papyrus.....You know....Sans is hurting....Deep down....He cares about you....And...I can feel it...that you care about him too", I faintly smiled. "Just talk to me", I gleamed. " I believe in you". Silence filled the air, until Papyrus growled at me. "WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU HUMAN? I WILL ADMIT THAT I DID NOT EXPECT YOU TO GIVE UP YOUR SOUL FOR US... BUT FREEING US COULD'VE BEEN YOUR TRAP! THE HUMANS IN YOUR WORLD DID NOT WELCOME US, AND TRIED TO SEAL US BACK HERE!", I whipped my head back at him, with shock. "They didn't accept you?", I shuttered.....My sacrifice....had been a waste? Did I......only plunge them deeper into sorrow? "ARGH, WHY AM I EVEN TALKING TO YOU?!", Papyrus shouted, before a bolt of pain shot through my side. A bone had faintly pierced my side, leaving me with another deep wound. I winced at the sudden attack. " I'LL HAVE PLENTLY FUN TORTURING YOU HUMAN!", he snickered, as he took my arm, and ran it through a warm object. A save point.....I thought. Papyrus snorted in amusement, as he marched out of my cell. I was left lying on the dirty ground for dead. The blood from my wound started to stain Sans' jacket. And the stench of infection started to fill the air around me again. I wanted to curse so bad...but I kept it to myself. I screamed into Sans' jacket in frustration and pain. "Why does this always happen to me?!", I sighed feeling helpless, but I was still filled with DETERMINATION, somehow... "Give up", a voice whispered in my head, I shook it away, giving up, wasn't an option, and it never will be... I tried to ignore the constant pain of my wound and fell into a quiet slumber. "Why won't you give up? Who said you were the one in control.... Give up...And all the pain will disappear...Give me control...And I can solve all of your problems...Together....We can erase this twisted world.....Together...We can recreate it....With your, DETERMINATION!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, this was slightly shorter than the others (I think), I was kinda busy these past days (I was also too lazy to type apparently xD) Sorry if some of my chapters come out later than they are supposed to. I normally update my stories every two days, but I might have to push them back sometimes due to other things going on in my life. ANYWAY, enough talk, I'm going to bed...It's 1 am over here and I am so damn tired xD Whelp, bye!

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