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   "Obi-I mean, master?"

   "Why is there another hole in your wall?"

   "I'm sorry master, you know I can't help it," The teenage padawan looked up from his desk.

   "What was it this time?" Obi-wan asked as he took a seat.

   "Kip said that I'm a freak because of my-my episodes,"

   "Oh, my young padawan, when will you learn that it doesn't matter what other people think," Obi-wan tried to comfort the padawan, "Focus on your studies, do what you need to do, they will go away soon enough." Obi-wan tried to convince himself of the fact.

   Anakin's so-called "episodes" had been getting worse, and more aggressive almost every time. Obi-wan worried for Anakin and almost constantly worried when Anakin was left alone. It didn't help that Anakin was more of a loner, always by himself, no one really checked in on him besides Obi-Wan.

   Obi-Wan looked up to see Anakin with his head in his hands. He didn't know what to do, how was he supposed to help his Padawan through something that he had never experienced or dealt with before?

   "They'll never get better, you know that," Anakin mumbled. "Why do you even bother lying to me?" Anakin wiped tears from his eyes that Obi-wan hadn't noticed were there before. It had been a while since Obi-Wan had seen his padawan cry.

   Obi-Wan opened his mouth as if to say something, but found himself at a loss for words.

   "You know you're lying to me," Anakin's voice got harsher, "I am a freak, you just don't want to say it," Anakin's hands clenched themselves into fists.

   Obi-wan watched, frozen, as Anakin stood up and began pacing from side to side through his room, with his fists at his side. He had never witnessed one of Anakin's episodes first hand before-only the aftermath of them.

   "Anakin, calm down, it's going to be alright," Obi-Wan offered.

   Anakin stopped pacing and turned towards the window. Obi-Wan assumed his efforts had worked, and that Anakin was cooling down. Almost immediately after Obi-wan had this thought Anakin sharply inhaled, and before Obi-wan could stop him, Anakin's hand was through the window.

   Shards of glass fell to the floor as Obi-Wan leapt up, grabbing Anakin from behind and seizing his arms before he could do any more damage. Anakin collapsed into Obi-Wan's arms as tears streamed out of the boy's eyes.

   The two sat on the floor of Anakin's room, the padawan sobbing into Obi-Wan's chest.

   "It's alright, everything's fine, you're going to be okay, you're okay, you're okay."

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