Chapter Two "Mirrored Glances"

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Chapter 2 "Mirrored Glances"

Song: Everything I Ask for - The Maine

Last night I went to sleep feeling angry and exhausted. I couldn't believe the Veltronis were coming over. Or that I would be seeing the last person on Earth I wanted to see.

Besides, my mom had asked my brother and me to clean the house and leave it spotless for our guests. Of course, my brother, being the awesome person he is, had helped me for a little while before claiming he was too tired due to his exhausting soccer practice and couldn't bear the extra amount of physical activity. He had gone to sleep.


I'd been really tired too, more emotionally than physically, but still, I needed to sleep. However, when my mom had walked in while I was doing the dishes, she had threatened me by saying she wasn't going to let me sleep until every inch of the kitchen was shining.

I guess that was her way of showing me how angry she was about my attitude towards her that afternoon.

Long live the power of mothers!

But today was a new day.

And God, did I wish it wasn't.

Today there would be no chores. I wouldn't have to cook for my brother and Mr. always-in-a-rush —AKA my father. No, of course not. Today was different...Today everything was going to be a mess. Today I  was going to be a mess.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate the Veltronis. Actually, Anna and Francesco were amazing people. Ever since I was a little kid, they would always bring presents for me and my brother whenever they visited.

Besides, Stephanie Veltroni and I had practically grown up together. Unfortunately, when we both turned thirteen, our preferences regarding friendships begun to change. She had chosen to hang out with the popular girls, who spent their days talking about who was the hottest boy in school or who had bigger boobs. We were freaking thirteen years old.

Around that time, we stopped calling each other best friends.

Around that time, I started seeing her brother differently.

But that is a another story...

When it was time for lunch, I decided to put down the novel I was currently reading— the one my mother hadn't let me finish the day before. It was about a woman who fell in love with a man that pretended to hate her, but somehow accidentally spent the whole night with her.

It was actually pretty good, but I felt like it was too much romance for me right now. 

That little thought was enough for me to get up and head towards the bathroom, ready to take a relaxing shower.

In the middle of my Broadway-worthy interpretation of my favorite song, I heard my mother's laugh from outside the bathroom.

Because I'm just so lucky

Oh, she makes me feel like sh!t

It's always something

And I can't-

"Jess, please hurry up. Anna will be here in twenty minutes. I'll take a quick shower but I'm not sure if I'll be ready on time. Can you open the door for them?"

The soap bar slipped from my hands. I jumped in surprise and stupidly stepped on it, which only caused me to hold on to the handle of the shower just in time before I fell and broke something. It was pretty much a relief, since I had learned from a TV show that if you fell just the way I almost did, people would think you'd wanted to kill yourself. Even if you told them the truth.

I didn't need that kind of drama in my life.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped up in a towel. I also tried to dry my hair just to give it a decent look, but the attempts were not successful.

Well, turns out my expectations for the day were accurate.


As I stood in front of my closet, I realized I had no clue of what I was supposed to wear. I mean, I wanted to look nice, nobody wants to look like a hobo in front of their guests, but I had the feeling that if I put too much effort in my appearance, someone would probably think I had dressed up especially for them. 

As if.

I ended up choosing a plain white dress and put on a pair of matching white shoes with a little blue ribbon at the front. It didn't actually scream "hey, look, I chose this outfit for you. Do you like it?"

I didn't know what to do with my hair either, so I decided to just leave it alone. My light brown waves would do their "magic"...I guess.

The last thing I wanted to do was to wear makeup, but in between my struggle of deciding what to wear, my mother had entered the room and told me that she wouldn't let me greet our guests if I didn't look decent. Which, in Blanca Bellendier's words was basically: wear makeup, period.

I went for a natural look and just applied a little bit of mascara to my lashes, which were so thin, they were practically invisible without it. I also put some concealer underneath my eyes. I hadn't gotten a proper sleep and it showed. To finish my look, I added some of the lip gloss that Maggie —my best friend— had given to me on Valentine's Day.

With one last glance at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed that even with the little amount of makeup I had applied, I looked the same — the same olive green eyes, shining without my consent, excited without my permission; the same wavy brown hair and the same extremely rosy cheeks- my mom's gift I guess? Genetics. 

I was still plain old Jessica.

As I was about to leave my room, the doorbell rang.

"Jessica! They're here!" I heard my mother yell.

"Coming!" I growled softly as I walked down the stairs, wishing they would continue descending forever. "Please, please, let this be a Creepypasta."

I reached the door and took a deep breath. It didn't help, since I couldn't feel my lungs working properly. I felt sick.

Without hesitating any further, I opened the door.

And there he was, standing in front of his family, with a look on his face that mirrored mine.


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