weird comments and stares

553 44 13

Didecated to riri4life1234

It turned to be a long speech, hope it helps.
Please bear with me to the end :P

The question was:
Does it bother you when people make comments and stare at you.
How do you deal with them?

Does it bother me?
It depends on the mood you know, and of course depends on the harmfulness in these comments or stares!
And the place.

-If the person whom is staring is a kid and looks terrified at the mer sight of a niqabi it makes me sad and i pity them cause it isn't their fault but their parents's.

-If the person is a girl or a woman and looks disgusted or like she saw an alien i usually wont make anything about it cause she wont see my smile!
But if we were in the same place for long time for example and/or there's mutual friends between us i would like to get in a conversation if not with her then infront of her -and will act as if i didn't notice her actions- and just hope by the end of it she'll findout i'm not the ignorant uneducated opressed girl she thought ;)

-if the person is a boy in his last teenage or a grown-up man then i wont react and try to pass by peacefully but i'll defenetly keep an eye on him till one of us disappears especially if his stare wasn't innocent or if he looks not so mature and might do something!
May allah protect us always.

-same about the comments i guess but let me give you examples:

-if they were joking around harmlessly i'll let it be but it wont effect my confedince and my love for my niqab.
They usually say : isis, batman, zoro... Etc.
Or even says allahuakbar or starts adhan!

And despite the harm they mean sometimes i take it as a chance to change my mood and will laugh at that later :P

-to be honest i've never experinced a ascary harmful comment unless you'll count this guy whom said some quote that means "how much people would look good but they have dark secrets" but i actually shrugged it off and didn't react and hope one day he and his cheering team would find the truth and understand that not all the girls are their toys.

Now let us move to the bright side people!

Some time you'll get looks of respect from someone or you'll see a girl looking up to be like you, a brother lowers his gaze -sometimes it happens from guys you would never excpect it from them- , a look of ummm you know the look of someone proud of you from some old people, and sometimes it can be a look of gratitude and gratefulness for you and for who raised you.

And there is positive comments as will ;)

A little girl saying she likes you and wants to be like you, an old woman telling how much she wishes her daughter to be like you or wishes all the girls are like you and even making duaa for you and it can happen from old men as well but When it happens from young men it holds one of two meanings -not that i support thinking bad about people or something but this is the truth- the first that he's just trying to get to you and make your walls melt or atleast gains a look from you or a thank. anything. and those are ill-minded people! But the secound meaning is a geniune one and it might surprise you to hear it from bad looking people or someone who just flirted with the girl that passed before you! And you might also get surprised to hear it from a relative or a cousin that isn't that much into deen but let me tell you that this -look and comment- can be the most genuine one cause those young people even if they are bad they had known and experinced the fitnah that the girls causes with her clothing, way of talking/walking/laughing, and perfume.

And those kinds of comments usually makes my day and cheers-up my mood for as long as i remember them.

But in all cases i -and you too should- never give a come back or a react or even a glance to that cause shaitan wont leave you without sins and will keep trying with you even from a good and harmless looking deeds.

*note that i'm living in an islamic arab country so i have no experince in what the sisters face in the west.


Hope that helped and jazakillah for bearing with my blabbering and giving me the chance to blurt out all that ;)

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