dear stranger | 1 |

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(n) when you think of something, but the word for it escapes you

Dear Stranger,

I'm not really sure why I'm doing this.

Most people have a reason to write their letters. Some to let out secrets, some to let out emotions and there are some who just do it just because. I don't fit into any of these categories. I'm not here to write to let out secrets, to let out emotions and I'm certainly not one to just write a letter for the heck of it.

So why do I have this sudden urge to write you something, yet have no idea what it is.

Funny how that is. To have the urge to do something, yet not know what. But just know that you wish to do something. To want to say something, to have it on the tip of your tongue, but to never know what it is. That's how I feel. To have my pen in my hand, scribbling words on a piece of paper, hoping that what I wish to say might just magically appear. That as I'm writing all this nonsense, what I really want to say will suddenly appear and it'll finally click in my mind.

Does that make sense?

I guess not. I mean, after all, I'm rambling to figure out what I wish to say aren't I? It's like catching a butterfly and then letting it free, thinking you'd catch it the second time only you never do. So I guess whatever it was that urged me to do this may never come back and maybe what I felt was just meant to last for a second and disappear.

Now I'm definitely losing it.

I'm sorry for the rambling and I'm sorry for the nonsense...I thought I would have the ability to do this, but I guess not.

Yours truly,


AN: Hey guys!

So this is a new book and I hope you all really like it. :) This first chapter is really short, I know, but I will be trying to make the rest of the chapters just a little bit longer than this one.

If you liked this chapter please:

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And if you want to do the extra mile, being amazing and all:

Follow [I swear I'm not that boring. Besides you guys get updates that may not even come up here.]

Thank you so much! If you're wondering about 'All The Wrong Turns' then please read the important note that I have written on there. Any questions about that story will be said on there.

Thank you again and I hope you guys enjoy this short story. :)

All the love,


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