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“Ohonhonhon! Here you are, mademoiselle!” The one called France says as he immediately pulls out a hat with a bunch of papers already ready to be picked up. Strange. Well, if it’s one thing you know about France, it’s his eagerness to rid women of their virginity. Wait, what are you saying? You just can’t judge him that fast! Or… Can you?

“Oh!... Um… OK.” You mumbled as you cannot resist to the French man’s offer.

You could swear that the moment you fished out a piece of paper, France licked his lips in anticipation. You totally had a bad feeling about this. You wished you could’ve just slept along with England. Still, they would wake you up anyway, considering every guy in here wants to at least do it with a girl.

“Uhhhh, I got….” Your eyes widen at the letters you read on the paper.

“Got who? WHO?” France asked, getting impatient.

“…. You.”

“OH! Well, would you look at that—LET’S GO, MA’ CHERIE!”

Without permission, he immediately grabbed your hand and practically bolted towards the bathroom. You don’t like where this was going. No one from the room protested and you thought that this was your doom. Bom voyage, virginity.

Still, something’s off. Was the whole thing rigged? Probably…

“Uh, OK, you guys… Seven minu—“ America said as he was holding the door open for any last minute protests.

“I know, I know, America. I am fully aware of how much time I have, ohonhonhon..” France interrupted as he slammed the bathroom door in his face. Well, that was rude.

He now had his full attention of you. You tried to think of something to fend yourself off of this maniac. Would locking yourself in a cubicle help? No, that would probably hurt his feelings too much and.. He could always just slip under the walls or something and that’s even worse.

As you tried to think of ways to play it safe for the whole seven minutes, France decides to take a step towards you. This immediately broke your train of thought. By instinct, you grabbed the nearest thing you could touch and prepared for the worst.

“S-Stay back! I warn you!!” you said as you picked up the liquid handsoap from the nearby sink and tried to aim it at him.

“Oh, but, mon ami, surely you wouldn’t turn me down after all the trouble I have to do just to get you…” he replied as blows a kiss at you.

“Are you serious right now?!”

“Well, one has to be prepared if he is willing to take the next step.”

Now you know that it was definitely rigged. OK, he is getting close now. Just in range with your weapon for a precise shot. Wait, what would you aim for? Head or balls? (LOL XD) You decide to take it easy and just aim for the head.

“I told you, stay back!”


Of course, like all normal people, he ducked it. You sort of expected it but nothing could be done now. The contents of the handsoap spilled on the tiled floor, its pink, bubbly, strawberry essence and aroma filled the room, giving it a more relaxing atmosphere. Hold on, are you actually finding this relaxing?

You could hear him chuckle as you now wasted your only chance of fending him off. He strides his way to you, looking down at you a bit since he’s taller than you. You didn’t move. It felt like your heart was heavy, not wanting you to move from your spot.

“So, you ready?” he asked.

“Hmph. Just do it.” You looked away, getting mad at yourself for offering yourself to him that easily.

“Haha, don’t worry. I’ll start out gently.”

As you had second thoughts about pushing him away as he said that sentence, his lips smacked quickly but softly to yours. It took you by surprise but even more surprising, it was exceeding your liking. He tasted of perfume and wine. Everything about him is refined, well-mannered yet laid-back at the same time. He was a guy that could have any woman he wanted.

Somehow, you were no different. You immediately fell under his spell, though a minute ago, you were convinced that he could never take your dignity away.

His hands took this opportunity to lounge themselves around your waist, pulling you closer so that your bodies would fit perfectly. Your hands slowly took part in going up his shoulders, playing with his hair as the passionate kiss ensued.

His hands start to go lower and lower, to the point where they rested on top of your butt. You wanted to slap them away but, it was all too good. Suddenly, he lifts you to a nearby sink. Your butt was comfortable in their new seat which was the sink.

Your head was now in direct line with France’s and you could get a good look at his beautiful eyes. Nothing felt this perfect before. You pull his hair back, a sign that you have to get some air in your lungs before you two could continue. And as expected, you both were obviously panting.

Your warm breaths were blowing into both of your faces, letting you know that you two had a fun time and would not want a single moment of it to waste. You were definitely certain that you wanted to take back everything bad you said to France.

“So.. Does this mean you love me?” France starts as our foreheads touched, still trying to catch our breaths.

“… Well…”


“Haha… I…. Guess so..” you panted out as your hand that was on top of his shoulder now went down to his jawline, feeling his stubbles.

“That settles it then..”

“Settles what?”

“You’re mine.”

 “Psh… What’re you—No!”

“Hoho, don’t try to fight it, ______.”

“Just shut up and kiss me already.”

This time, his lips pressed immensely harder on yours and his hands are now on either side of your head, leaning on the mirror. You wrap your legs around his waist, not wanting to let go. This was a side of you that you never expected to have.

But what the hell, this is fun for you. And without knowing it, your hands were gently tugging on the waistband of the pants that were probably made in Paris. A feeling of guilty pleasure struck your conscience immediately but that’s what your heart is telling you right now. You hear him chuckle softly in the kiss. He slowly breaks away aside from all the passion that was raging inside of you.

“Not now, my love.”

And just like that, you returned back to your old, sheepish self and realized what you have just done. Adding to the tension, the door just opened! Yey! (?) Russia was there to witness the position you two are in and immediately turned around, pulling his scarf up higher to hide his probably shaking lips.

France pulls you out of the sink and still holds on to your hand as you make your way outside the bathroom. Flushed and ashamed, you still can’t believe you fell for France, especially when you know he’s a womanizer in the first place. Then again, you might as well enjoy it while it lasts.



“You’re mine. And that won’t change, no?”

You face lightened up a bit, ignoring the disgusted faces of America as you two walked passed by him with gleaming eyes of love. England was definitely discouraged at the two of you.

“By God, _______, you just kissed the frog-face!” England muttered as he shakes his head.

“Zip it, black sheep of Europe! You’re just jealous coz’ I have a girlfriend now!”


And that is the start of another quarrel of the two frenemies. And probably a start of a relationship with the man you least expected to get.

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