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France wasted in no time preparing paper of all the countries’ names in the room, including England’s name written by France himself.

“Of course, ladies first, ma’ cherie…” he says as he bows down while holding a paper cup of all the strips of paper that he made.

“Seriously, I’m gonna pass on this one… France? Am I right?” you said, turning down his offer and the game.

“Oh, but you must! And yes, you are right…. Right to be mine.” He replies as he winks at you, blowing a kiss as he finished.

Seeing that he won’t give up until you said yes, you unfortunately gave in. You fished around for the strip of paper that you felt was right. Sighing, you pulled our your chosen strip of paper and everyone in the room went stiff.

You slowly unfolded the paper, thinking that there’s no harm done with a stranger in a room for seven minutes… Right?

“A-America…” you read aloud, avoiding eye-contact from the country who suggested this game.

France oohed at the realization as he pushed your partner towards you. America was shocked, sure, but he was still maintaining his positive attitude.

“Alright, alright! I’ll go, dude!” America said as he fixed his jacket from France’s pushes. Once he’s done with that, he smiles at you and suddenly picks you up bridal style.

“Put me down, America!” you shouted, gripping his shoulder for life.

“Ah-ah-ah, Alfred. Remember what me and England taught you….” France reprimanded, seeing that America isn’t much of a model of a gentleman.

“Oh, fine.” He replied as he gently placed you down and asked for your hand with a bow.

England, upon hearing his name, sat up in a daze mumbling, ‘What? What?’

The two of you make your way into the bathroom which was the ‘closet’ part for the game. America, still remembering the rules of being a proper gentleman, opened the door first to let you in. Blushing, you entered the comfort room.

It was bright, clean, white, as expected of a bathroom. Sinks where lined up in front of a wall-mirror and the toilet stalls are lined up in a row. The room was huge. You could do anything in here, sure. The first thing you did was search for a window to get out of the building.

“So, uh… Hey.” America started as you went to the far end of the room, hoping to find a small window or a balcony that’ll lead outside.

“Hm?” you replied, looking busy at the moment to answer.

“What do you wanna do?”

“Oh, uh… I dunno… Look for a way out?”

“Oh…. OK…”

This made you turn around. He sounded…. Sad. This isn’t normal for him. What? Did you do something wro—Oh….. Well, that’s what you had in mind. At least you gotta try. You approached him, making this seven minutes thing count.

He was looking in the mirror with his hands on the sink. He was so… Mellow. You wanted to bring back his optimism somehow. Even though you guys hadn’t officially hung out, it still made the situation a bit awkward for you. I mean… You just met and now you think about kissing him? Weird.

“Um… Americ—“

“I know, I know, dude…. This game is pretty stupid, right? Like, what was I thinking?! Bringing up a game like this… Especially to someone as nice as you..”

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Did he just confess? Well, maybe not really. But why did your heart accept this so easily? It sent shockwaves throughout your whole body.

“Wh-What do you mean?” you asked, wanting so much more from him.

“I… Set up this thing. Yeah. I know the door’ll be locked and stuff. And I had France rig up the papers… Just to get… You.”

And that was it. The magic word—or phrase or.. You get what I mean. You needn’t need any more validation. And once your heart was set, you placed your hand on his that was on the sink.

“Dude…” You started, looking at his eyes that were looking at the mirror in front of you. “You should’ve just told me.”

He turned his head to you, shocked. You could see his beautiful sky blue orbs in his eyes. Still feeling ashamed of yourself, all you could do is smile and lightly kiss him on his lips. It was quick but it had drastic effect on both of your bodies.

It was like firecrackers were spawning in your stomach. Your fingers were tingling with the blood rushing to its tips.

America, seeing that you have accepted him, began to calm down. He placed one of his hand on your cheeks, caressing them with his thumb lovingly. Your head leaned on his hand, still wanting so much from him. He chuckles and lifts your face to his.

“Try to do it longer this time.” Was all you heard before he linked your lips with his.

Taking you by surprise but knew he was going to do it anyway, you let yourself be taken away to pleasure land. Soft lips rubbing against another. It was making you crazy. Firecrackers now evolved into bombshells in your stomach. Your whole body went warm and you felt like you were going to shut down and become one with him.

Your arms seconded that and wrapped themselves on his neck, bringing him closer to you and enclosing the remaining space between your body and his. His other hand that was free immediately placed itself on your waist, gripping you firmly and passionately.

You never knew he could want you this much. You thought the only thing that was on the Allied Power was burgers and freedom and getting rid of the Axis Powers.

Your train of thought was interrupted as your lungs finally reminded you of the need for oxygen. You pulled away, huffing and panting as your hands felt limp all of a sudden. America wasn’t far off from your reaction. The both of you needed air so bad, your legs wobbled.

“America…” you panted as you look up at him.

“Yeah, _____?” he huffed.

“Guess this means… That I’m part of the… Allied Powers now, huh?”

“Haha… That is absolutely… An affirmative…”

“And I’m glad I didn’t go…”


“There was totally a window on the last stall over there…” You said as you jabbed a thumb at the place, overcoming your need for air.

“Haha, you mean you could’ve left me?” he asked, slowly regaining his breath.

“Well… Yeah, haha.”

“… Huh…. Hmmm… Wanna blow this joint and take this back at my place?” he suggested, his sheepish face now turning into a smirk as he lowered his glasses to get a better look at you.

“Let’s see….” You answered as you grabbed his hand and head towards the window.

*sigh* The wonders that can happen in 7 minutes..

Hetalia: 7 Minutes In Heaven.Where stories live. Discover now