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"Well, I guess it's better than doing nothing to pass the time." Russia agreed, giving everyone an innocent smile. Without further ado, America had a tray of papers lined up in front of you with all the names of the countries inside the room. You were hesitant but you knew the countries who were trying to evade boredom were pretty determined to get you as a partner for seven minutes. You were there, standing for a moment about which paper looks less conspicuous when Russia prompted you to take your pick.
"_________... You still have yet to pick a paper." Russia murmured, shaking the tray a little bit, still with that innocent tone of his though his aura said otherwise.
Pressured and scared, you took the paper in the middle. Maybe you were taking the one next to it but since Russia was shaking in slight aggravation, you grabbed the middle one instead. Oh, well. Fate never made a mistake, right? But why does your heart sink back as you did so?
Russia gave you that innocent smile you saw before as he turned around to place the tray on the table behind him. You slowly turned the paper, bracing yourself from the possible impact of the revelation of truth. It's as if every guy was leaning forward to see who you get... The piercing silence is deafening as your turning hands revealed the name of...
"HWAAAAA!! I get to play! Guess what, Germany! I get to play!!" Italy shouted upon hearing his name from you.
"Fascinating." Germany replied as he crosses his arms, totally annoyed in the middle of the night by the Italian.
"_______! Oh, _________! I'm-a so happy I a-got you!" Italy said, taking your hands and making you jump with him in circles.
"Of course, you're happy, you twit! No one else here wants to spend 7 minutes in a room with a guy!" Britain butted in, now fully awake by Italy's voice.
"Ohoho, but everyone has their tastes, mon ami~" France said as a matter of factly, making sure to get the Brit uncomfortable and annoyed enough to his liking.
You were still too dumbstruck to utter a word. Italy was just so adorable, he can make anyone speechless or kneeling on their knees just by the mere sight of his face. I mean, you knew 7 Minutes In Heaven. You just couldn't think of... 'Tainting' this pure country. Well, he's taking you towards the bathroom now so there's nothing you could do about it.
"Prease... Take your time." Japan said as he closed the bathroom door on you and locked it.
What does he mean by that? Maybe he just wants to stay away from Italy as long as possible. You can't blame them... Being with Italy for God knows how long can have... side effects.
"Oh, _______! What-a shall we do a-first?" Italy asked innocently as he looked at you.
"Um... What do you wanna do, Feliciano?" you answered with another question.
"Hmmm... Well... Pasta's certainly out of the a-question.... Since there's a-none in here..."
Isn't there anything in his head other than fricking pasta?!
"What was that, ______?" Italy suddenly turns around.
Wait, did you just say that out loud? If you did, then you wouldn't forgive yourself. The last thing you would want to do is hurt the poor guy's feelings. But, why did he react when you thought you hadn't spoke?
"I-I didn't say anything, Italy..."
"Oh, uh... I heard you a-say something. Must a-be my ears a-failing me!" Italy happily went back to thinking. Your heart was at much ease now that he's out of possible danger of depression.
"Well, what do YOU think we should do?" You pressed again.
"I know what people do in this a-game~"
"And that is?" You held your breath, waiting for his answer.
"They hug and a-kiss and make up!" Italy beamed.
You sighed. At least you didn't have to explain this game to him. You would have failed miserably anyways, trying to sugarcoat and make this as innocent sounding as possible.
"That's right. You can sit this one out with me if you want to." You said, taking a moment to look at your reflection in the mirror before turning back to the Italian.
When you looked back, Italy was silent. His face was smiling warmly at you. It melted your heart to see him like this. He titled his head a bit to his right, letting his hair bounce for a second. That was it. You heart basically stopped and restarted itself back again. He was adorable. Too adorable for your own good.
"What if I wanted to kiss you?" Italy suddenly asked.
You stiffened and you could feel your breath stop once more. Italy noticed your behavior and stepped back, his brows tilting upwards to his forehead.
"YOU CAN!" You blurted out, hoping to get the message through the panicking Italian before you. He stopped, looking confused but focused at you. "You can... Kiss me, Italy."
Both of you a bit more calmer now with both of your feelings realized. Italy walks towards you, taking your hands in his and smiles that smile you love so much. You smiled back, smirking a bit when Italy still has his eyes closed. But you knew he was looking right at you all the same.
You shook yourself out from you stupor as he was slowly leaning closer with his lips slightly puckered towards you. You giggled quietly to yourself before leaning towards him, your eyes falling shut as well. Soon enough, your felt his lips press against yours ever so softly, you thought it was barely even there. Yet you were content.
Italy squeezed your hands firmly, as if to remind himself that this was not a dream. Feeling a little short of breath, you gently pulled away. Slowly opening your eyes in ecstasy. Your heart beat ever faster as you noticed Italy doing the same thing as well.
You could see the hazel of his eyes, the shimmer of his irises, and his own brown orbs looking back at yours. This was the first time you saw Italy like this. And with that, Italy tilted his head once again and smiled at you. This was better than before. You swore you could just kneel right then and there, clutching your chest like you have just been shot with an arrow by cupid.
A knock on the door broke your sight away from the Italian. It was Germany's voice telling you that the 7 minutes were up and that he would get you out by force if you both did not exit for the next 10 seconds. You looked back to Italy to find his eyes already closed and his mouth smiling wide at the sound of Germany's voice.
He lets go of you and rushed to the door, singing Germany's name over and over. And just like that, it was like nothing happened. You walked after him once Italy opened the door to find a rather annoyed German.
"I take it you had fun--" Germany asked but was not finished.
"Yes! ________ and I a-talked about the life of my a-good friend, Leonardo da Vinci and a-how he gets his ideas from!" Italy answered. You just exited the bathroom, still figuring out what exactly happened and a little more concerned about what's going to happen next. "It was a lot of a-fun and I don't mind playing the game with _______ again!"
Germany sighed. "That's not how you play the game, Italy."
You smiled to yourself, realizing perfectly well that Italy knows what this game is exactly all about. And that he just played everyone with his little game. Everyone, including you.

((I am so sorry about the long wait for an update. I will try to update more and I want to assure you that my writing style has changed over the years. And hopefully, it would be less cringey than before. Going to bring this book back from the dead after four years HAHA))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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