Chapter 50

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"Dear Diary," I wrote down my words in a small notebook as I spoke. "I'm screwed."
Having decided that I want my legacy to live on, I began writing down my life events in hopes that an accomplished author would come along and dedicate time to creating a biography about me.

"Today is my idea of a dooms day: my best friend and boyfriend fighting over me. I'm considering moving to Bali." I scribbled down my words with a sigh. Nikki and Ciel have been working on preparations for my surprise all morning.
Honestly, I was more scared than anything.

"Oh, (Y/N)~!" Nikki chimed from outside the closet doors.
My eyes widen as I frantically scribble "Tell William he's a dick." before exiting my hiding space.
"H-Hey, Nik!"
She looked at me expectantly, twirling around twice for effect.
My eyes cast down, taking notice of the cute maid uniform she was wearing.

"You like?~" Nikki asked while lifting up the ends of her skirt, bowing at the same time.
"M-Mhm, it's really cute.." I stuttered as a pink tint dusted my cheeks.

"You think so?" She giggled, taking my hand. "Come on, I've prepared breakfast for my lady~."
Leading the way downstairs, Nikki took me to the kitchen.
Although, it seems Ciel had the same idea.

"Good morning, mistress." He kissed my free hand with a bow. To make it worse, he was wearing the attire of a butler, similar to Sebastian's, with his hair combed back and to the side.
My blush deepened.

"Now, now, blueberry; I greeted her first. Therefore, I'm serving her breakfast." Nikki smirked smugly.

Ciel rolled his eyes. "While you were doing that, I prepared a gourmet breakfast for her."

"Well, I was about to prepare one of her request. You didn't even ask what she wanted." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Only because I know her so well as to have memorized her favourite breakfast food." It was Ciel's turn to grin proudly.

"Hey, hey, both of you. I'm not very hungry regardless." I interrupted their small argument.
"Well, then, onto the next activity! Eat my dust, Ciely~!" Nikki stuck her tongue out at the bluenette before pulling me out of the kitchen.
Suddenly, I found myself in the main room. "What are we doing in here?"

"We're going to dance, of course!" She clapped her hands together.
"O-Oh, I don't really-" My voice was cut off by Ciel swooping me up in his arms abruptly. He then leapt to the wall and jumped out the top window.

"Ciel!! Not so sudden!" I shrieked, covering my face.
"Sorry.." He breathed, setting me down on a blanket.
Uncovering my face, I look at our surroundings. "The garden? Why are we out here on a blanket?"

"I thought you would like to read out here with me while having a snack." He grinned, showing me a book complete with Edgar Allen Poe poems as well as a plate of brownies.

"I would love to sit and read, Ciel, but-" Once again, my words were stopped by Nikki suddenly darting over and picking me up.
"How dare you steal my lady away like that?!" She hissed.

"Your lady? She's my mistress, in case you've forgotten. She is my girlfriend as well." He scoffed, grabbing my waist and pulling me from the nekos grasp.

"Well, we were best friends long before she met you!" Nikki tugged me back by one arm, Ciel holding on to the other.

"She loves me more, obviously! Since she never wanted to go back to see you!" The bluenette spat while pulling on my arm.
Nikki narrowed her eyes, pulling back with the same force. "Or she just felt pity for you being alone and decided to stay for a bit!"
After a moment of the two screaming back and forth, they turn to me and shout at the same time: "Well, (Y/N), who do you pick?!"
Hanging my head low, I sigh. 'Why do these things always happen to me..?'

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