A few decades later
"Ciel!" I placed a hand on my hip, staring at my husband who was asleep and drooling on top of his oak wood desk in the study.
"Ciel!!" I shouted louder, him still not showing any signs of life besides the ever so gentle snore that occasionally made an appearance. Part of me wondered if he was ignoring me on purpose, which wouldn't be a surprise, meaning I'd have to bring out the official big guns."Alright, this is how we'll do it." I grabbed one of his heavier hard back books off the shelf, carrying it to an clear section of the desk which so happened to be directly beside his head. Holding it up high above the desk, I let the book drop, creating a very loud and sudden thud that did the trick.
Ciel woke with a start, his entire body jolting upright as he frantically clutched his chest. "Shit, (Y/N)!""Oh, awake now, are we?" I grinned.
"Yes, now what do you need?" He massaged his temples, a heavy sigh leaving him.
"Is that any way to speak to your pregnant wife?" I cocked a brow. "Nikki is burnt out and can hardly keep helping me here while still working double duty with collections because I'm unfit to work, so you need to step up."
Ciel simply looked up to me as if I had asked him to jump off a bridge. "I am helping! I'm handling paperwork.""No, you were sleeping on your paperwork." I motioned to the small pile of drool that had accumulated on the desk top. "When you could be helping me with dinner. Bard still is trying to convince me that a flamethrower works better than an oven, Finny accidentally broke a pan, Mey-Rin can hardly tell the ingredients from the silverware, and Sebastian is out shopping for things for the baby so I could really use your help."
"You can move things with your mind, correct? Do that." He turned his chair away.
I pursed my lips into a fine line, taking a second to breathe. "True, maybe I'll try that." I used my little ability to levitate my good-for-nothing husband from his chair and out the door with me."Hey, woah— I didn't mean me!" He argued, refusing to sit still as we headed to the kitchen, where I finally set him down.
"Now you're going to help me without any complaints, alright? What kind of example are you setting for your daughter like this?" I crossed my arms.
"A good example." He huffed, but eventually complied. "But you're right, I should be helping out more..I apologize for my laziness over the years." Ciel walked up and pulled me closer to him, planting a gentle kiss on my lips that made me smile.
"See? You have the capability to be sweet." I giggled. "Now go grab me the meat from the cooler before I tell our daughter about the night you wore a dress. Both nights."
"Are you sure you're not the demon here?" Ciel threw the playful remark over his shoulder.
I laughed. "I learn from the best, my love."Final Author Note:
...good lord.
This has been a train wreck and a half, hasn't it? Three plus years I've been working on this thing and we're finally done.
I owe so much thanks to all of my readers..from the ones who have been there since the first few chapters, to the ones who are still finding it to this day.
Thank you all!
I don't know how I've received so many reads on a fanfic like this, but it's honestly amazing, because it's thanks to all of you. You've all been so dedicated with reading, voting, commenting, and just being active throughout my changes in style and weird plot holes.
I've grown a lot through my writing with the help of my reader's feedback, which has helped me improve greatly and reflects into the works I have piling up in my drafts. (You'll see some of those eventually.)To wrap up, my Sebas-chan Bitches (something you all came up with, by the way) are who I am most proudest of. You're all such lovely people who have made this experience that much better.
I hope you enjoyed Grell's Student and will continue to support my work in the near future!! <3
-Signed, your loving author

Grell's Student (A CielxReader)
FanfictionA new group of soon-to-be reapers entered the headquarters this morning. Each high-ranked reaper was assigned a student to teach about collecting souls. And with your luck, they stuck you will the red head known as Grell Sutcliffe . All he did was...