Neverland and no escape

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hey guys sorry I took so long I have been busy with school and a lot of drama but without further a due here is my new chapter


Paige's p.o.v

'oh no hook and henry warned me of him' i thought and started backing away because I knew the number one rule they both told about neverland NO GIRLS.

 I was so lost in thought I didn't notice a certain teenage boy walk right up to me.

"don't worry love I wouldn't dream of hurting  you" you were still scared but gained a little more confidence and asked, "when do I get to go home?"

he just smirked and said "never love you get to stay here with me forever"

"No, I HAVE to go home, to henry my mum and the others I can't stay with you' pan frowned and said

" oh but you see you have no choice in the matter you WILL stay here whether you like it or not" 

with every word he says I can feel myself getting even madder then out of nowhere I yell 


then I do something I never thought I could do

I slapped him yep you heard me I slapped peter pan I knew I would be in some deep shit

so I ran I ran faster than I have ever run in my life 

 since I have read peters story I know the creatures of neverland I am careful about where I run

but I am most cautious of dreamshade the most poisonous plant on neverland.

i stop because I'm out of breath but I know it's the wrong choice when I hear a branch snap before I can run again and a pair of arms wrap around me

I go to scream but one hand is placed on my mouth so it comes out muffled.

I'm turned to see a very angry pan but I struggle to get out of his grip but find I cant  

because as soon as I look at him a powder is blown into my face before

I can comprehend what's happening I fall into a deep sleep.

peter's p.o.v

I blew a sleeping powder in Paige's face and soon she's asleep in my arms i pick her up bridal style

and fly to the cages and walk her over to a special one i made for her.
"Soon love you will feel the same way i do" then i walk away.

Paige's p.o.v
I wake up in a cage and I'm scared as shit but i keep my calm and think of a way to get out, after a while i can see it's obviously got magic on it so i yell

"pan let me out" then out of nowhere he comes out of the forest and has that same smug smirk that he had when we first met

" well hello love have you already learnt your lesson and understand that your mine" 

i grit my teeth and try to calm down because as soon as he lets me out of this cage i. am. gonna. kill. him. , a very fake smile comes onto my lips and i say " yes peter i have and i now understand i am yours".

he looks at me then he comes up to the and lets me out "good to know you will be more obedient" as he goes to kiss me i kick him in his junior and take off ,

 knowing that he can hear me i say "ha you actually thought that i would love you when you kidnapped me,drugged me and put me in a cage you have to be fucken CRAZY " i go to a place that he wont be able to reach me, to the one and the only ......

peter's p.ov

damn it i thought i could trust her and not have to cheat but this is neverland and i rule everything

on it so it's not cheating it is just a rule change in the game and besides everyone knows peter pan never fails

I yell and say "BOYS LETS PLAY. "

I smirk.

to be continued...


hey guys hope you enjoyed it 

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