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(Katelyn's POV)

Two hours passed and Travis and I were leaving.

"That was awesome! Did you see how he was like pow! And then the other guy was like bam!" I yelled excited and punched the air. I could hear Travis chuckling and I turned to look at him.

Travis can be such a dork but he means well......I'm actually having fun....

"I'm glad you are having fun Katelyn. Do you wanna go to dinner?" Travis asked and I nodded.

"Yeah!" I yelled excited and Travis wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Then let's go to a nice restaurant." Travis said and I felt excited.

I knew I was doomed. I have to date him for a year now. But....I don't think It'll be that bad. I mean, Travis can be a dork but is really sweet when you think about it. He makes mistakes in the way he talks to girls but he is getting better.

We soon arrived at the restaurant and sat at a table for two.

"Thanks for this Travis.....I haven't had this much fun in a while." I confessed.

"Sooooo, does that mean I get to date you for a year?" Travis asked and I smiled.

"Yeah.......I don't see a problem with it." I said and Travis looked really happy.

We finished dinner and talked about various different things. Travis wouldn't tell me where we were going next though. He said it was a surprise. We had walked back to the car and Travis told me to cover my eyes.....so I did.

We drove for what felt like forever but then Travis soon stopped the car.

"Where are we?" I asked and my door opened. Travis helped me out and I could hear the sound of music and laughing.

"Just keep your eyes closed okay? We are almost there." Travis put his hands over my eyes and we carefully walked down some path.

I held onto Travis' jacket as we walked and then we had to go up these small stairs.

"Careful Katelyn." Travis said as he walked with me.

I hate that I can't see! What if I fall into the snow?......Actually....if I do, I'll take Travis with me. Hehehe.

"Okay, watch your head." Travis said as he helped me into some cart like thing. Travis got in too and then it started to move.

"Woah!" I grabbed onto Travis and almost opened my eyes but luckily, Travis still had his hands over my eyes. What was this surprise? Where were we?

"Okay Katelyn. You can open your eyes now." And when I did......it was beautiful. We were in a ferris wheel and we were at the very top and you could see the whole town.

"Travis.....th-this is......" I was at a loss for words and pressed my face against the glass. This was so beautiful...

Bittersweet Kisses (FIXING AND REWRITING CHAPTERS)Where stories live. Discover now