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(Travis' POV)

I finished up the dumb maid work and went home with Katelyn.

"Wanna watch some TV?" Katelyn asked.

"Sure." I responded, jumping over the couch and sitting down."

"Show off." Katelyn giggled.

I smile formed on my face. Katelyn grabbed the remote and went onto Netflix and turned on Once Upon A Time.

"Oh, do you want to watch this?" Katelyn asked.

"Of course! Whatever you love, I love." I said with a smile.

Katelyn sat next to me and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She cuddled against me and I had just realized.......I was still in that maid uniform.

"Crap! I need to change!" I yelled and jumped up.

Katelyn started laughing and paused the show.

"I'll be back." I quickly ran outside and across the street when suddenly I was stopped.

"Well hello beautiful." A person said.

Huh, who's that? I turned around and saw a guy with brown hair and green eyes. He was secretly flexing, showing off his wimpy muscles.

"Uhhh do I know you?" I asked confused.

"No you don't. But you sure are beautiful. The names Brendon." He introduced himself.

Wait, he called me beautiful....don't tell me....he thinks I'm a girl? Dang it Garroth!!

"I'm sorry but I'm-" He cut me off.

"You sure are a beauty. Would you be interested in dinner?" He asked.

Ewwww. Being flirted with a guy!? I need to escape.

"Actually, I need to go. I have some uhh.....stuff to do." I replied to him.

This is so weird.

"Oh come on. You can spare an hour right?" He smiled.

"So beautiful." He grabbed my hand and kissed it.


I was just about to punch him and run but then suddenly, the guy 'Brendon' was hit over the head with a book.

"Brendon!! What do you think you're doing to my boyfriend!?" Katelyn yelled.

"Ouch Katelyn! I was just-.....wait......boy......friend?" He slowly looked at me and I frowned. His eyes widened and he took a step back.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I am so sorry!! I didn't realize you were a guy!!" The color drained from his face.

"I'm so sorry!" He yelled and then took off running.

I shuttered and stared at the back of my hand. "Katelyyyyyyyn!!!! I need hand sanitizer!!" I complained as I started wiping my hand on the dresses skirt.

"I told you, you look like a girl." Katelyn smirked.

I quickly ran into the house I am currently living in with all the guys (except Vylad and Aaron) and went to the basement.

"Stupid dress!!" I yelled as I quickly changed and went into the bathroom and started a bath.

I jumped in with my clothes still on and grabbed soap, scrubbing the heck out of my hand.

I....am....never...EVER....wearing a dress in public again.

(Hope you all enjoyed XD. I ran out of ideas so hey! Why not make Brendon think Travis is a girl? XDDDD I had too much fun with this chapter. Bye Bye My Ender Pearls.)

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