All That Leads to You

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Username: koalanindya

What's the name of the story that you are entering into the Wattys?

Just one. It's called All That Leads to You

Which of your stories is your personal favorite? Why?

All That Leads to You. The main reason being that the story shows the different ways people deal with losing their loved ones, so there's a lot of emotions involved.

What is your story about?

All That Leads to You tells the struggle of four best friends in losing their fifth member, West Andersonne. Being told by Annalise Mitchell's (one of the four best friends) point of view, it shares glimpses of flashbacks, memories, and regrets.
But that's not all.
Secrets will also be revealed. With the mysterious letters, notes and clues, Annalise finds out that there's more to West's death than just an accident.
And she's going to find out what.

Is there a special reason for why you decided to write this story?

I guess I want people to stop judging others purely based on their looks, or their past. I want them to know that there's a story behind every person and their actions.

What genre is your story?

Teen Fiction

Is your story ongoing or completed?


All That Leads to You Trailer:

The trailer is made by the talented... GlitterAndDust7000

Do you have anything else you would like to say? Any dedications?

If you do decide to check my story out, I hope you'll enjoy it, and connect with the characters. I hope they can help you, in way or another, in case you're going through a tough time. Just remember, it always gets better.
Thank you! :D

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Click here to read the story: koalanindya

Click here to read the story: koalanindya

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