What Is Love?

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Username: DJBPanda

What's the name of the story that you are entering into the Wattys?

I am entering What Is Love? And Diary of a Freddy Fazbear's Woman Nightguard

Which of your stories is your personal favorite? Why?

It's a tough choice. I'd have to say What Is Love? Because I'm very passionate about it (even though I haven't written many chapters. I imagine the story throughout my head but never get a chance to write) and I make it to relate to my life sometimes

What is your story about?

Since the main story I hope wins is What Is Love? Then I'll write about it. It's about this girl named Ally who knows almost nothing about love, until she notices something different about her when she starts thinking about a certain someone

Is there a special reason for why you decided to write this story?

The romance one is personal sorry. The reason I started writing my FNAF one is because I was listening to some music in the car and I don't know, something just clicked and I decided to write it.
Also anyone assuming What Is Love? is personal because it's about me, no. It's about something else.

What genre is your story?

What Is Love is Romance.

Diary of a Freddy Fazbear's Woman Nightguard is Fanfiction

Is your story ongoing or completed?

Ongoing for both

Do you have anything else you would like to say? Any dedications?

Well. I know she's gone (or at least according to her friend), but neko-of_darkness was someone I dedicated the first chapter of my romance story to since she told me I would win the Wattys, and then according to someone, she died of heart failure.

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Click here to read the story: DJBPanda

Click here to read the story: DJBPanda

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