4/5 Main Heroes Pt.1

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1. ii_jericho_ii:  Real name William Tucker Boner (Not unless I have been informed wrong) Champion of Mianite, one of the founders of the series, 'Mianite'. Was present for the two seasons.

First season: He and the other Mianitees had a temporary alliance with Ianitees to take down Dianite and save Ianite. He is best friends (if he's not LET ME BELEIVE!) With Dianite's Champion Tom. He usually wear his Mianite Armour with his Mianite sword for being a loyal follower.

Season two: He was a blood mage being the one with the fastest way to transport excluding portals, and respected the towns tainted laws. He became a resident of the town and became a monster hunter in a few days. He became one of the Kings trusted allies.(real life time for monster hunter). He helped get cobblestone to protect the town from the taint.

He won most purges if not all. He believed Mianite was evil due to Helgrind's act. Later once they met he believed that he was good. He made a contract with Mianite. Mianite gave him the Kikoku the only weapon to be able to kill a god.

He made him kill all Ianitas. He started hanging out with Mianite more and more. In the end Mianite used him and forced him to kill his friends and chase Dianite around to kill him.

2. SynHD: Real name: Thomas Cassell (Is that how you spell his last name?) Dianite's Champion, Tucker and him were the founders of the series, 'Mianite'. Was present for both season, but showed up less on the second due to travelling.

Season One: He was the first to introduce the Captain to the world. He tried to lure him into the 'dark side' a.k.a Dianite's side. As time went on he separated from the rest of the gang because of Dianite. He became less trust worthy as he tried to kill them various times for Dianite's pleasing. He won purges along with his other friend later to be named.

He flirted with a Captain (Not Sparklez, but when you think about it.. but nah Capsize) who Sparklez also had feelings for and got him jealous various times. He ended up backing off and let Sparklez take her. He went to Inertia with them and tried to stop them once they tried to get into Dianite's lair.

He had no choice, but to help them through the maze. He was punished for this. In the end he ended killing his own God for his friends. He became Mecha Dianite V.2.

Season Two: He was an outlaw once he revealed he was a Dianitee and set chaos to the town. He thought Dianite was also bad in the new dimension. He was disappointed to find out he was the good guy. He had a lot of interactions with the Wizards due to him always wanting new builds.

Once Dianite started appearing Tom asked for weapons from his god. Dianite never really liked 'Mots Replacement'. Tom stopped being as loyal to Dianite as he was before. When he met Mot Tom tried fighting him.

  In this season he also started slowly drifting more into vlogging than gaming. He started showing up less and less due to traveling. He did little at the beginning to get rid of the taint. He became friends with Farmer_Steve which led him to break him out when he got sent to jail.

He was showed up at the very end and was confused since the plot has moved a lot since he was last on. In the end he became Dia's 'child'.

3.OMGitsfirefoxx: Real name: Sonja Reid, Champion of Mianite, present for both seasons.

Season One: She dates Tucker the other Champion of Mianite. She only joined because her boyfriend was also a Mianitee. Secretly though she was a follower of the 'Shadows'. She gained 'Mianite' armour from her 'god' for doing a good job. She never really killed unlike her other friend.

Season Two: She was a Thaumouican? (Don't know how to spell it :/) She was very good. She did forbidden magic. She didn't really "follow" this seasons Mianite. She always had a sickness due to her Thamuamican. She was good friends with the wizards she also had many anvils in her house. She helped get rid of the taint.

4. CaptainSparklez: Real Name: Jordan Allen Cooper Maron, Champion of Ianite, present for both seasons. Many people see him as the guy who moves along the plot.

Season One: Being the last one to show up he was un-choosen. Tom tried to get him to join Dianite. Which scared Tucker if he did. He did for awhile. Later on though he joined Ianite a "fake" God. No one really took his God serious. Mianite helped him save his sister.

When Dianite logged on one day he attacked Jordan and let the Wither try to kill him. The Wither got free and Dianite tried to kill him. Jordan ended up killing the Wither alone. This impressed Dianite that he wanted him on his team.

Tom got jealous of Sparklez getting his God's attention. Sparklez declined which made Dianite angry. He swore to get Jordan on his team. Later on Ianite appeared to much of his friends surprise it also turned out that Ianite is a "her" not a "him".

She revealed that Dianite had her trapped in the Nether. After this Jordan made it a law that you shall (NOT PAST! Jk) not kill each other, steal, and break into someone's vault only on Purge day.

He made the Scales of Justice in which return Ianite gave him the Bow of Balance. (Right? Or have I been reading to many Mianite Fanfics?) And the armour of Ianite which was made of leather. When he met the pirates that revealed they were Ianitees too he was happy.

He started liking the Captain of the boat, Capsize, but his friend also liked her, Tom. This made him salty. He decided to let Capsize date Tom in which Capsize says that it was just to make him jealous.

He was fairly good during Purge Tom and him usually won the Purges. He had an alliance with Mianitees which Tom said one day, "I thought you were Ianitee the one who didn't choose sides." Tom became distant and tried to kill them that day. He watched his girlfriend die.

He paid the Wizards to build Jerry's Tree his previous home. Which became a place where people could prank him. Once they defeated Dianite and saved Ianite she tried to resurrect Capsize, but it turned wrong she turned into a zombie which her brother, Redbeard had to kill her. As him and his friends jumped through the void he stayed behind.

Season Two: He stayed with the same loyalty to his lady as the last season. He denied following any other God other than Mianite because he knew he would get banned from town. He became one of the Kings trusted heroes. He was cautious around the King and the Prince.

Until he found out the Prince was secretly an Ianitee. He became his first friend in the new world. Then there was Farmer_Steve who he had a rough meeting with. Steve killed him because he was in his land and he took his apples. He got trialled and was proven guilty.

Later on Steve said he was an Ianitee and Jordan was skeptical, but he started trusting him. It became a mess when Tom said that Steve was a Dianitee. He was still trustworthy since he didn't follow Mianite.

That was until he got sent to jail, that's when Tom decided to break him out with his help.

Ok this is taking forever soo later!

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