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Before we start, Austin is in a band called The Overnight because I like bands... But anyways the girls name is Axel Rose Tyler but she's mostly called Art, you'll find out why she has the name she does, though it's nothing special😂😂 anyways, she's a model and yeah...

Arrogant (adj.) Having it revealing an exaggerated sense of ones own importance or abilities.


I wake up in the morning, picking up my phone from my bedside table and unlocking it, scrolling through Twitter. A reply to a picture I tweeted yesterday catches my eye and I read it over, rolling my eyes.

@austin_theovernight: Hmm, may actually buy the magazine knowing you're on the cover😉 @axeltyler

The picture I tweeted was of the possible covers that will be chosen for the newest issue of the Rolling Stones magazine. Austin has been tweeting me for as long as I could remember . I've responded occasionally, but not always, maybe once out of every ten tweets. I thought about typing out a reply to this one, but my phone starting to ring, my managers name popping up on my screen, keeping me from replying.

"Hello?" I answer, my tone bored.

"Axel" He says.

"You dialed the right number" I roll my eyes.

"Right, of course. I'm calling to let you know that you have an interview in twenty minutes"

"Twenty minutes?" I spring out of bed "Christ John! Call me sooner next time!" I scramble to find clothes in my walk in closet.

"Oops" He mumbles and I roll my eyes with a scoff "Be ready" He demands, hanging up the phone.

I throw my phone back into my room, breathing out in relief as it lands on my bed. I get dressed and turn around, jumping slightly when I see my friend Vera leaning against the door of my closet.

"Where are you going?" She asks, her Russian accent thick as she take a bite of her apple.

"I have an interview in twenty- now fifteen minutes" I look down at my watch, before pulling on a pair of shoes "I'll be back, don't burn down the house" I tease, picking up my phone and running out of my room, making it outside just as John's driver pulls into my driveway. I get in beside him, putting on my seat belt and leaning against the back of the seat.

"Glad you're on time"

"Glad you're good at giving time in advance" I sneer "Who's the interview with?" I ask.

"Some early morning show" He shrugs.

"You don't even know?" I scoff.

"My job isn't to know, it's to book" He tells me "But remember, you're single and if they ask about that punk boy, you're not a thing"

"Well, we're not a thing, he just tweet me" I shrug.

"We both know he's a topic of interest" He looks down at his phone.

"That's not my problem" I say and soon were pulling up to the studio where the interview is taking place. I'm basically shoved out of the car by John, then into the studio, nearly tripping a few times.

"Good morning! I'm Jonah" The make up artist grins, hugging me, swaying back and forth the slightest. He ushers me to the chair and pushes me down by my shoulders, pulling out his make up bag. He does my make up in record time before switching out with a girl name Meredith who does my hair, then I'm transferred to another room where they give me a new outfit. I change into that and within seconds my name is being called.

"Good morning Axel, how are you?" The interviewer, Karen, asks

"I'm doing great" I smile "How are you?"

"I'm doing great" She smiles back "So tell us, any upcoming modeling gigs?"

"Actually yes" I nod "Victoria's Secret has a fashion show coming up which I'm super excited for and I also have a runway with Gucci very soon"

"What's it like being a model?" She asks "Not to mention one of the greatest in this generation"

"Oh, the flattery" I giggle "But, it's pretty great if I must say. You meet people all over that adore you and want to be you and you get to keep the runway clothes which is always nice"

"And the parties?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Parties are definitely at the top of the list that makes this so great" I laugh.

"Let's talk about relationships" She transitions "Any boyfriend?"

"No" I shake my head, knowing where this is going "I don't have a boyfriend"

"Your fans and I would like to know about you and the lead singer of the band The Overnight, Austin Mahone" She raises her eyebrows "He's seems pretty interested"

"Well," I chuckle "We've never actually met in person, but he enjoys to tweet me quite often. There's really no relationship there though" I shrug.

"What are you thoughts on him?" She asks.

"Well, from what I heard..." I trail off "He's very arrogant"

@axeltyler: Early morning interview? Check✔️

Hope you liked this
I love you all


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