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*group chat*

Eliza: gUYS WHERE ARE YOU? we are leaving!

Marie: i'm right here now

Devon: wait!!! where is y/n and alycia???!!!

Marie: probably fucking

Lindsey: LMAO marie

Bob: i'm packing!


Alycia: you guys need to calm down your asses

Marie: you finished alycia?

Alycia: sure i did😏


Alycia: oh... yeah that too

Y/N: alycia why you are so horny i gave you last night

Marie: OH. MY. GOD.

Y/N: just kidding i didn't anything

Alycia: i'm horny bc of that

Y/N: not my fault:/


Alycia: okay okay i'm coming

Y/N: again?😏

Eliza: oh shit sTOP Y/N!!!


Alycia: shut up lol

Bob: gotta zayn

Devon: did you just...

Bob: yes

Eliza: bYE

your pov

we were just packing fast and leaving the hotel doe portland, my parents went to the airport for say good bye and give me their bless, i love them so much, thanks to them i am who i am because they taught me everything i need to know. We hugged and they hugged alycia too i love the way love alycia, she is the perfect to me.

"take care of my sister aly" laura says smiling
"always" alycia smiled back and my mom hugged alycia
"you are amazing, thanks for make her happy and i hope she makes you happy too because i will kick her ass if she doesn't, you deserve happiness darling" my mom talks and alycia giggled and i laughed
"okay mom thanks" we hugged one last time and we started our way to the plane

few hours later we were lading in portland, i was so tired so in the van i fell asleep into alycia's shoulder she hugged me and i felt so safe

"babe, we are here" i felt alycia whispering in my ear and i just dont wanna wake up
"okay okay" i said and open my eyes when i felt her lips pressing into mines
"you are so lazy" she giggled and we got off the van walking to the hotel, there are a lot of fans screaming for the guys and also screaming y/s/n to me and alycia we just smiled
"i'm so tired i swear i could sleep for years" i said and eliza put her arm in my shoulders
"we know we know y/n, but now you cant because we will do amazing things" she said
"yeah like what?" i said and i could felt eyes on us. Alycia
"okay you flirty, go off my girlfriend" she took my hand putting me closer
"hey i didn't anything just talking, right y/n?" alycia rise an eyebrow
"yeah babe, we were just talking" i said looking at her and kissing her cheek
"good" she said and we walk finding our room
"this room is like all my house" i laughed
"that's no true y/n" alycia laughed
"i'm tireeeeed" i said pouting
"we can cuddle a moment" alycia said lying in the bed
"great" i lied next to her, but my phone started to buzz up

Just a text? - Alycia/you Where stories live. Discover now