Heads Or Tails

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Nicole Dereve is not your typical Harvard-bound nerd. She's also the type of girl you don't want to be caught on the wrong side of, and lord help you if you piss her off. But she has a lot of skeletons hiding in her closet. And getting close to her is about as simple as proving the existence of Atlantis, the Yeti, and the Lochness monster all at once.

Kaleb Royfaile is your typical jock, a jerk,idiot,and manwhore all rolled up in one. Except he has his own dirty little secret: he has a brain! And a pretty big one too, since he's going to Harvard. He does everything he can to keep that a secret from his friends. And I mean everything. But from the second he sets eyes on Nicole, he falls. Hard.

Now when you put the two of them together in one dorm room for an entire semester, you're going to have an interesting journey in front of you. With neither one backing down from their stance, the only question is: Will it be heads or tails?
All rights reserved, people. You want bask in my awesomeness, maybe write a report that's fine, I just want to see a copy. And I trust you all, I mean, no TRUE Wattpadian would copy someone else's work. But if you do, I will sic a googlplextillion (it's a real number, look it up) of angry Nicole's on you! (If you don't know who I'm talking about, go read the description)

I might try and find a publisher after I finish, so any comments or suggestions you have will be deeply appreciated. I have learned the hard way writing without support is really hard, so I'm asking you guys to help me!

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