Chapter Two: Deck The Dorm With Pom-Poms And Vodka

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After orientation, classes started. I had Professor Srelimn first thing. Apparently The history of GUI's and OS's isn't very important here, because they put it the farthest wing possible from the main auditorium. Noelle, my one and only friend on campus walked up beside me.

"Hey, freako! Haven't seen you flip a shit yet, so you actually in a good mood? Is that even possible? I mean, yeah, we're at Harvard, so that has to count for something, right? I am, like so-"

I decided to interrupt at this moment to spare my eardrums the unintelligent babble coming from her mouth.

"You do realize that there's no one around but me to hear your cheerleader speak, right?"

I gesture around to show her the empty quad we were walking through.

"Oh, thank god! I felt like I was losing IQ points with every word that came out of my mouth! I'm so sorry I subjected you to that."

"Apology accepted, but you are not truly forgiven."

I tried to keep a frown on my face, but the corners of my mouth turned up.

"You are such a liar! And a bad one at that. You really need to improve on that."

She drawled in an overly exaggerated teacher voice.

"I believe you would do best to take a extra course on keeping your composure while lying."

She finished, signing off on an imaginary report card.

"I bet that there's actually a course for that..."

I paused for effect, "if you want to work for the CIA, MI5, MI6 and all that jazz."

Noelle doubled over in laughter. "Did you seriously just say all that jazz? What are you, 90?"

I scowled, and launched into one of my renditions of a crabby old person who decided eighteen year olds are the best age group to rail at.

"You know, in my day," I began, hunching over while we walk for effect. "We respected our elders, unlike the insolent lot we call the next generation. Our world is going to fall to ruin, I tell you!"

She giggled, but played along. "I respect you ma'am." I scowl even deeper. I probably look like the joker by now, but I'm not breaking character.

"What you call respect is peas compared to the old respect! When I was your age, when an elder slapped you, you willingly turned the other cheek! And resisting arrest? Unthinkable! I-- I can--t thi--"

We both couldn't handle it, and burst out laughing. I looked around and realized we had walked past the doors of the wing we were both in.

"Even if we sprint, how late do you think we'll be?" I asked, gesturing towards the doors. "I'm guessing approximately negative five minutes? If we walk."

She answered after consulting her HTC One max for her schedule. We vowed to never buy into the Apple phenomena, so we both bought a HTC One max before we started university.

"How does that work? We didn't take the HUT, so everyone everyone else has been here for, like, approximately twenty minutes." She sighed, probably because she's been on the receiving end of my questions way too many times.

She scanned down her schedule until she found what she was looking for. "The still have the schedule set up for kids to walk, for the financially crippled who can't afford the HUT.

Honestly, how is the term 'financially crippled' supposed to make poor people feel better? It's like saying they've lost an arm or a leg, just not literally, but financially. How the hell does that make anyone feel better? That's actually devaluing the disadvantage handicapped people have! I can't believe tha-"

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