Chapter Five: Do I Look Like Friggin' Shakespeare To You?

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"🎵🎤🎵This morning, three am, I got up and I whined, because my dumbass drama class has an ungodly start time! Oh, fuck my life, fuck my life, everything's a mess. I got up too early, and Royfaile's in my class. Oh, fuck my life, fuck my life, my life is a mess. I haven't had, coffee yet, and the drama prof hates my ass!🎵🎤🎵" I sang off-key, my revenge on Royfaile for waking me up. I know that sounds pretty mean, but it was how he woke me up that was worthy of my tactical counter-attacks.

I was just peacefully slumbering, looking like sleeping beauty, my skin brown porcelain against a background of jet black ringlets...

Hah! I probably looked like a zombie, complete with the one hundred percent authentic drool dribbled down my face, and if I tossed and turned as much as I usually do, then there was probably some going up my face. Anyways, back to my enthralling story.

So, he shook me awa- no, a better way to put it is he tried to wake me up by shaking my shoulder. When it didn't work, he just rolled me off the bed. And, I may or not have mumbled something embarrassing because my groggy, caffeine-deprived brain could not process the difference between Ashton and Kaleb with my eyes almost opened less than humanly possible.

What? I'm not the kind of girlfriend to be all stalkerish and keep like, records on my boyfriend. Don't look at me like that. There was a girl Nicole and I had to do a project with, so we went over to her house to do it. She had a entire filing cabinet simply labeled "Boys". FYI, if someone has a filing cabinet labeled "Boys", do not , I repeat, do not ask them what exactly is inside. Wow, I get off-topic way too much.

When he tried and failed to wake me up, he decided that kissing me was the way to go. Me, being barely aware that I had a face, let alone the fact I was kissing my roommate from hell, may or not havekissedhimback...


You fell for it! There is no way in hell that I would ever let Royfaile kiss me, sleep drunk or otherwise.

The reality is that he didn't try and go in for the plunge. And yes, for those of you who have a mental capacity to put two and two together, have probably figured out what those italics I put on he mean, but for the rest of our regressing world, Royfaile didn't try to initiate a kiss, unfortunately, and to my immense regret, I did. What? Don't look at me like that! I thought he was Ashton, and in my defense, I'd only ever had one other serious boyfriend before Ashton, and that was over four years ago.

And, the icing on the cake, Royfaile turned me down. He did something civil for once in his life, and it had to be to me! But of course he had to make a comment. I mean, it wouldn't be realistic to expect otherwise.

He told me if I wanted him, all I had to do was ask! I understand he's a manwhore, but could he at least save it for the female equivalent of him? It's just a waste of breath if you're talking to me.

"Nicole, get the fuck out of there, or else I will find a way to strangle you with your own goddamn singing," Kaleb growled, his voice dangerously low.

"Calm down, I. Was. Taking. A. Shower. Not beating on your head while jumping on you and screaming like Donkey Kong," I chided, while inwardly smirking at him. Eat 'dem apples! You're not the only one who can piss off someone like you're Homer Simpson. Don't look at me like that! That fucking yellow idiot has the lowest cartoon IQ I have ever seen, and that's pretty bad. Like, Hiroshima bad. I mean, he's competing with Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents.

"Are you saying you want to beat my head, jump on me and scream like Donkey Kong? Wow, I had a feeling you were one of those closet crazies. But I don't think I've ever heard such a kinky idea. Want me to come in and we can try it out?" Kaleb retorted with mock surprise, but the cockiness at the end was one hundred percent him.

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