Chapter 1

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Sophia's POV

I was listening to music and singing along when the door bell rang. When I opened it my weird labor partner Cole, Colby or whatever his name was, was standing infront of me.

"Are you done with our project?" I asked as he entered the house with a box in his arms.

"Umm...Yes I am. You wanna know how it works?" he asked nervously.

"Not really but I wanna get a good grade so just show it to me"

We went to the kitchen and he put some things which I asume was the project on the table. He explained some stuff about how it worked but I really couldn't care less.

"Sophia? I don't think it's a good idea to lie to our teacher and tell them that we did everything together"

I took a step closer to him "Why?" I asked sweetly.  And another step. Our faces were just inches apart.

He looked kinda scared but also excited. He tried to look into my eyes but it didn't work and he stared at my lips. "I-I-I... umm" was all he could say before I smashed my lips on his.

That's what I always did when my partner at some school project was a guy. Don't call me slut! I don't sleep with them... I just make out with them...a lot. They do the work and the little make out session is what they get. When my partner is a girl I usually invite them over when my celebrity sister Demi is at home, so they meet her and then do the school work alone. I know I sound kinda lazy but I'm a straight A+ student and I just have better stuff to do then those kind of things.

Collin or whatever he's called and I were now full on snogging. I sat at the kitchen counter with my legs around hir waist. He may be a nerd but he certainly was a good kisser.

"SOPHIA!?!?!" I heard someone scream and I pushed my partner away.

Demi stood infront of us. Her eyes wide opened with a shocked expression on her face.

"Yeah?" I asked coldly.

"Who is your friend?"

"Chris" I answered

"My name is Cody" he said


My sister was still staring at us thinking what to say next. Probably because she didn't know that sideof me. She only knew the sweet, inoccent side that wasn't interested in boys yet.

"I think you should leave Cody" she told him. And that's what he did. He quickly grabbed the project threw it in the box and ran out.

D:"What the hell? Sophia you're only 15"

S:"Calm down! We were just making out a little"

D:" That was not 'a little' hun. And it looked like you knew what you're doing. I thought you were gonna tell me about your first kiss right after it happened"

S:"Why should I do that?"

D:"Because I'm your big sister. I really wanna know what mom says about that"

She wanted to tell mom?!?! Crap

S:"You don't have to tell her!! It's never gonna happen again!"

D:"I'm going to tell her Sophia. She'll be here in any minute. She went shopping with Maddie, Eddie and Dallas"

Only one moment later we heard the front door and the rest of the family entered the kitchen.

D:"Mom? You'll never guess what I just caught Sophia doing"

Mom gave her a confused look.

D:"I came home and she was full on sogging with some guy...and she didn't even know his name"

"AGAIN?!?!" Mom yelled.

Eddie:"What do you mean with that?"

Mom:"I caught her doing the same thing twice last week. Two different guys.Why are you kissing boys you don't even really know?"

S:"I DO know them actually. They go to school with me"

Eddie:"And WHY are you doing that?"

"So they do our school projects..." I said a little ashamed.

My whole family looked kinda shocked.

Mom:"I think you should go to your room"

I headed upstairs to my room and checked my phone. I got around 46 new messages the past hour. Guess you could say that I was the popular girl at school. After reading all of them, I answered the message my best friend Sahara.

She wrote:

Hey girl ;p Whaddup?? lol

I answered:

My sister just caught me making out with that nerd I have to do that stupid science project with...she was shocked and told my mom who wasn't too happy about it either...

Sahara:  Ooo...That sucks :/ I really hope she won't ground you... You have to come to Brad's party! We're the only ones out of year 10 that are invited!!!

Me: I know... In case they ground me I'll just sneak out as usually ;D lol

Some one knocked at my door and came in. It was Maddie.

"Mom and dad want you to come down stairs" 

"Okay" I said and stood up and went to the living room where everyone was waiting. I sat down.

"Sooo...umm" mom started "We were talking about you..."

"Aaaand?" I asked annoyed.

"You haven't been yourself lately.You have a bad attitude, the thing with the boys and Maddie told us that you skipped school a couple of times..."

I. am. going to kill Maddie.

"I'm a teenager mom! That's how we are"

"I never was like that!" Dallas said and I gave her the death glare.

Eddie continued:" So we were thinking..that..."

"You have to know that we really, really love you sweetie" mom interrupted

"We were thinking that it would be the best if you would spend some time somewhere else without us"

Great. Something like vacation!!! Without them.

"And where?" I asked hiding my excitement.

"At boarding school"


A/N: Heyyy guys! Let me know what you think and if I should continue this story :)

English is not my first language...sorry for any mistakes. If you find some tell me and I'll try to edit them.

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