Chapter 7

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Sophia's POV

I've been here for a week now and I love it. The people here are super chill and fun. Even some of the teachers are amazing and they actually care about our education. The only thing that seriously bothers me right now is the feeling of emptiness inside of my stomach. I just sooo hungry, but I have to stay strong. If I don't I won't get skinny and beautiful and that's not an option! And about my weight...I'm 107.4 lbs at the moment. Still to much but at least I'm making progess.

Since today is Friday, we ( me,Libby and our friends...and Zack) are going to spend the night in the party shack. Partying and smoking and whatever. Libby and I are getting ready at the moment. I'm wearing some dark skinny jeans and a blouse. Keepin' it simple, you know? 

I take out my phone because I promised to text Maddie. She and the rest of my family were constantly trying to call me or sending me text messages, especially Demi. But I don't answer a single one, except it's from Maddie.

To Maddie:

Whaddup girl?? I'm great, thanks for asking. And how are you? I'm about to go out right now so I can't write more...sorry 'bout that. Bye ;*

From: Me,Sophia The Queen ;)

I put it back in my pocket.

---------------------------20 minutes later---------------------------------------------------

Liberty and I just arrived at the party shack. Some of the people here are already drunk, stoned or both. I'm not planning on drinking tonight since alcohol has lots of calories. Right now I'm walking through the room, looking for someone sober to talk to. I would talk to Libby but she disappeard somewhere with her boyfriend, probably doing you know what ;)

"What's cooking, good looking?" somebody whispers in my ear.  I turn and around Zack was standing infront of me. Slightly drunk but not that much. "Why's a pretty girl like you standing alone at a party?" he adds. I smell a little alcohol in his breath.

"Nothing" I reply annoyed.

"Wanna dance?" Zack asks and since I'm here to have fun I say yes. I Don't know what's gotten into me but whatever . He leads me to the dance floor and puts his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

We were now practically grinding at each other. "You're hot, you know that?" he breathes into my ear. I look up at him, his eyes meeting mine. Not even two seconds later he crashes his lips on mine. I want to pull away but I feel myself kissing him back. It's a very heated kiss, with A LOT of tounge. It's even waaay better than the last one when we were playing truth or dare. After a while both of us were running out off air. We pull away from each other. He turns around. Is he seriously leaving me after that kiss without a word? He grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd. Okay that answers my question. When we finally made it through that crowd of dancing teenagers he opens a door and enters pulling me in behind him.  The room isn't very big. It has a couch and a desk. That's it. Zack locks the door and walks over to me. This time it's me who kissed him. He then pushes me on the couch and climbs ontop of me, not breaking the kiss. I really want to know what's gotten into me...After a while I started removing his shirt and he does the same with mine. He's about to unbotton my pants when...

Ring Ring RIng

...when my phone started ringing. Are you fucking kidding me??? whithout even looking at who is calling me I answer the call. "What?" I snapped.

"Hello? Sophia?" Demi...

"What do you want? I'm kinda busy right now" I say referring at Zack who is now sitting on the couch waiting for me to finish the call.

Demi:"I just miss you. Are you still angry?"

Sophia:"Yes, Demi, Yes, I'm still angry. And thanks for ruining my party mood. I'll go back to the dorm now"

Zack:"What? Why?"

Demi:"Who was that? It sounded like a boy"

Sophia:"Yeah...because it was a boy. We're at a party right now and I was talking to him before you rudely interrupted us. Bye" I hang up on her before she could say anything else.

Zack:"Talking, huh?"

I just give him the death glare and put my blouse back on.

"So you were serious. About going to your room" he says.

"Yes, I was"

"Well, okay. I guess we can continue what we were doing no matter where"

"No,  Zack. I wanna be alone. It's actually good we got got interrupted. I would've regretted it"

"You say that now. As soon as you fall in love with me you'll be beging for it" He replies cockily.

Ughh...He's back to his old, disgusting self... I turn around and leave.

----------------------------------------  back at the dorm room ----------------------------------

Oh God... I'm so glad Demi called. I would have been so amgry at myself if I ended up having sex with him. I looked at my phone. 2 AM... wow I made out with Zack for a least two hours. Ewww...I think I'm back to my normal self. Gosh...what was wrong with me at the party... I lay down on my bed ant fall asleep within a minute.

Demi's POV

Sophia was talking to a boy...I'm not ready for my baby sister to grow up yet. I should talk to Dallas about this.

"Dallas?" I ask as I was knocking on her door.

"Come in. Is everything alright?"

"I just talked to Sophia...and she was talking to a boy. And they were on a party. I don't know why I'm freaking out right now, I mean she talked to boys before but I think since I'm not here to controll it, I-i -i don't know. I just think she's too young to have a boyfriend I mean she's only 15 and uggh. I just want-"

"Demi" Dallas interrupted me "You're rambling"


""No need to apologize. You wanna know what I think?" I nod "Just because she is talking to a guy they're not automatically dating, okay? Now please calm down. Sophia is smart, she knows what she's doing, so please trust her okay?"

Dallas is right. Sophia's need to worry...I hope

A/N: Hey guys :) Sorry for not updating in, like, forever but I have a lot going on right now...

If you have any idea for this or my other stories (please check them out) then let me know.

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Love y'all <33

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