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Group chat


Na$h: so Gigi, what did Hayes get you for your bday😏

Gigi👑: omg

Gigi👑: omg

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he definitely spoiled me

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he definitely spoiled me

Tez: peep the random pineapple with all your VS stuff haha

Gigi👑: hey, I really like pineapples

Hayes💖: I hope you liked your gifts babygirl, sorry I couldn't be there 😞

Gigi👑: that's ok babe. I have you and that's all I needed. But the gifts were great too. I'm so blessed to have you💙

Johnson: good job Hayes

Hayes💖: I try

Gilinsky: don't forget, we all pitched in for a gift for you too. It should be arriving soon😉

Gigi👑: you guys spoil me way to much😩

Johnson: because we all love you☺️

Gigi👑: you guys are so sweet💗

Tez: this one is better than all the shit Hayes got you tho

Na$h: for sure

Hayes💗: are you sure? My gifts are pretty hard to beat

Gigi👑: tru

Johnson: oh no. We beat them by a mile

The doorbell rings

Gigi👑 : brb, someone's at the door.


I got up to open the door and nothing was there. I stepped outside and walked down the driveway to see if it was a dumb ding dong ditcher. Nope.

I turned around to walk back up. I stopped dead in my tracks.

There stood Hayes holding... A DOG!

"Benjamin Hayes Grier you did not!" I screamed running up to hug him.

"It wasn't just me, it was the guys idea to fly me out here and get you a dog. They paid for it too." He smiled.

"Oh my gosh I love you all." I said hugging him again.

We went inside and he set the dog down and kissed me. It was a nice passionate kiss that I had been missing.

We pulled away and I knelt down to the floor and picked up the dog.

"He's so cute omg!" I squealed. "What's his name!"

"That's your decision." He smiled.

"I'm gonna name him, Comet." (Bc I'm full house af)

Gigi👑: welcome to the family Comet💞

Gigi👑: welcome to the family Comet💞

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The end

Hope you like it! supremehayes

Hayes Grier Imagines♕*openDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora