Chapter 4

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Scott stared at the door where Mitch just left.

He wanted to catch up to him, but he would probably just get rejected.

Scott paced in the living room, running his hand through his hair. How was he going to get there?

There are no taxis, they're at home in Arlington.

He thought about it some more. Maybe he'll just get a ride from one of the members.

And when he meets up with Mitch again, he can apologize.

Scott finally stops pacing and grabs his car keys from the counter.

He left their shared apartment, took his car and drove 15 minutes to the meeting, nervous about Mitch's arrival.

As he drove, he was hearing out for a text notification, from anyone. He didn't know if Mitch was actually going to show up or not.

Or if he got a ride from someone else.

The car ride there made Scott freak out and a ball of pain sat in his stomach.

He decided to turn on the radio to calm himself down. Rihanna came on and Scott sang along.


Scott immediately grabbed his phone to see a text notification from Kirstie.

Kirstie: Why am I driving Mitch to the meeting? He's fricking stressed out.

Scott tried his best to text back while keeping his eyes on the road.

Scott: He's upset with me..

Kirstie: What did you do?

Scott: Don't even do that, I didn't do anything.

Kirstie: Are you sure? He just told me that you flipped on him.

Scott: Oh yeah.. I may have called him a smart a**.

Kirstie: Ugh, you better apologize to him. He needs you.

Scott: Yes I will. I'm almost there by the way. How's the time for you two?

Kirstie: We're like one minute away.

Scott: Ok, see you there.

Kirstie: Bye.

Scott turned off his phone and tossed it in the passengers seat, relieved.

He started to drive faster as he approached the location of the meeting.

He parked in the parking lot, grabbed his phone, and got out of the car.

Scott looked around to just see everyone's car, but Kirstie's.

Scott sighed and walked into the building. He found the room to see Avi and Kevin jamming out while Esther answered some emails on her phone.

As Scott entered, everyone looked at him with a confused expression.

"Where's Mitch?" Kevin asked.

"Kirstie's giving him a lift."



Kevin and Avi look to each other.

"Anyways, any ideas on the dates and locations of the tour?" Scott adds.

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