
15 0 2

5:37 am

in a year when you're walking down the street,

I want someone from your past to call, maybe an old friend or something.

I hope that when they ask about me, instead of saying,

"oh wow, I haven't talked to her in so long."

you say..

"yeah, she's fine. I just picked up some Chinese and I'm headed home to see her now. I'm spending the weekend with her."


in 3 years when you're at the library,

i hope my grandma calls you

and instead of saying,

"is she okay? I'm so sorry. I miss her."

you're saying something like,

"Debbie, I don't know how all this engagement ring stuff works. do you think you could help me?"


in 5 years when you're grocery store,

i hope your mom calls you

and when she asks about me, instead of saying,

"yeah.. i miss her, mom."

you say..

"well, she's finally starting to show. we have an appointment with the doctors next week to find out the gender but I'm already 85% sure its a boy."


in 7 years when I'm at the park

instead of doing whatever waste of time I'd be doing without you..

I hope I'm taking pictures of you and the kids.
I hope I'm thinking how lucky I am.
I hope I'm looking at you with even more admiration that I do now.
I hope Addison and Charlie look at us and wish to find the same kind of love someday.

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