makeover [1]

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chapter 1

andreas pov.

"oh look its unibrow" a guy says while i walk out of the school i just roll my eyes

"maybe shes be okay-looking if she plucked it and didn't wear her fathers cloths" another one commented and they bolth snickered.

i just continued walking out of the school, eyes beginning to fill with tears. by the time i reached home i had tears streaming down my face.

"KAITLYN!" i called when i walked in, after i recovered.

"what?" my 16 year old sister, said rubbing her eyes as she walked down the stairs.

"i need your help."

"with what?"

"a makeover." i said quietly, but the obviously still heard because she began to jump up and down excitedly and ran up to me and hugged me.

"finally!!" she said and took my hand and grabbed her keys in the other.

"where are we going?" i said as she dragged me out the front door.

"well first the salon and then Forever 21 and then Mac and then...." i kinda zoned out during the rest

she pulled me to her car and i sat in the passenger seat and buckled while she started the car.

about ten minuted later we pulled into the salon parking lot and she jumped out of the car as i calmly got out.

"come on!" she said and i followed her to the front door.

"what are we having done today?" a lady who looked about 30 asked smiling at Kaitlyn and she grinned back

"she" she said pointing at me "is going to have her nails painted and eye brows done and hair cut and dyed." she said grinning widely.

i looked self caunsiously  at the end of my once mint green but now nasty faded blonde green color.

"okay, that would be $80.57" she said looking at me and i handed her a 100 dollar bill.

"thank you, have a nice day." she said after handing me the change

kaitlyn came with me when I went to get my hair cut and dyed and demanded that i have my long brown hair back.

i have naturally curly hair so after the lady was done cutting and dying it she straightened it too.

i looked in the mirror and smiled. Kaitlyn was right, i liked this way better. 

"okay brows next" Kaitlyn said looking a little two excited about my eyebrows.

after the eyebrows i looked in the mirror and gasped. they made a HUGE difference on my face.

"NOW NAILS!" kaitlyn practically yelled catching the attention of many people in the store.

i got my nails done white because it went with everything and they were gel.

"OKAY now mall." kaitlyn said while dragging me back out to her car.


I know, its short but idk i feel like it was a good  time to stop the chapter. haha. anyways please vote and comment ideas for the story i always appreciate it! 😊

anyways have a wonderful day and bye!

-andrea (hehe)

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