makeover [4]

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chapter 4

andrea's pov.

"your so ugly" a boy, Aiden says and his friends laugh along. my eyes well up with tears and i look down.

"aww is she gonna cry?" he taunts and i try my hardest not to let the tears spill down my face. 

i run down the hallway and run out of the back doors, i finally let the tears spill down my face and sob into my knees. 

why wh-BEEP BEEP 

i rub my eyes and open my eyes, they take a moment to ajust to my surroundings but i soon learn that i am infact not in the back of the school but really in my bedroom, my alarm blaring in my ears. i feel my face and find that it is tear stained.

just a bad dream. a very realistic bad dream.

i sigh, not seeing the point of trying to sleep again after that awful dream. i glance over t the clock. its 6:15 so i have about 45 minutes to get ready. i walk to the bathroom and first, brush my teeth, then run a brush through my tangled long brown hair, then braid it into two french braids.

i then change into light wash skinny jeans and an adidas hoodie since todays Monday and no effort is givin on Mondays. then i pull out my makeup bag and apply winged eyeliner, mascara, and fill in my eyebrows, then put on Chapstick.

i spray perfume on myself and then fan my face with my hands. 

by the time i finally manage to shove all of this weekends homework into my bag, i zip it up and grab my phone and glasses. 

i walk down to the kitchen to be met by the delicious smell of coffee. 

"here honey." my mom says, handing me my mug of coffee which i happily sip on. when im done, i say goodbye to my mom then grab my keys and head out to school. 

i nervously chew on my peice of Trident gum as i pull into the school parking lot. 

i put my sun glasses on and slam my car door shut, before locking it. my breath hitches at my throat when i see Aiden and i try to avoid and and all eyecontact which is hard, because he will not stop staring at me. infact, almost everyone is... its like im the new kid or something. 

i ignore theyre stares, i make my way to my locker to be met by the usual popular guys i get meet by. i stand there frozen but the do the same examining me curiously. after a few minutes, i brush past a few and start to do the combonation to me locker.

"who are you?" one asks curiously and i scowl and continue to grab the books out of my locker. 

i slam it shut and spin around on my heel. "take a wild guess." i say, saracasm dripping out of my voice. 

"new kid?" Aiden guesses and i scoff. 

"Andrea." i say and his eyes widen in shock. "no way." the school hottie, Justin says and i roll my eyes. 

"whatever. i dont have time for this." i say i walk to my first period.

my classes go on, and its soon lunch time. i decide against the nasty school lunch and plug my earbuds in then go outside and sit criss-crossed on a school bench and look at the feilds, all the friend groups, jocks, school sluts. 

i groan when the bell rings for lunch period to be over but reluctantly sling my bag over my shoulder and enter the school again.

my next class is Science. i hate this class, my teachers a bitch and almost all of the popular guys are in it, including Justin who i sit next to because of our seating chart. 

"settle down kids" the teacher yells at us when she walks in and the class automatically quiets itself. 

"we are starting a partner project" the class doesnt bother to groan or mumble, besides we usally get to choose our partners and i usally end up with Ben, who insists on doing all the work so i dont mess any of his precious work. 

"i want you guys to pick one thing scientifical to research and make a big presentation or powerpoint. you will be doing a lot for this project so you will work together at one of your houses and you will have a month to finish, then you will present together." she explains "and one more thing" she says and i snap my attention back to her 

"your partner is the person sitting next to you." fuck.


an update! omfg! lololol

-andrea :)

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