The beginning of a friendship

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"Aria there you are," Ali said. 

"Um yeah, of course, I'm here where did you think I was?" Aria replied.

"It's just that ever since you started this stupid photography class you've been M.I.A." she pointed to the darkroom. " I'm sorry was there s rule I was supposed to follow by telling you where I was 24/7."  

For the past month ever since Aria got interested in photography she had busied herself with taking pictures or developing her photos in the darkroom. Sometimes she would even spend her lunch time in there listening to music while she was at work. For once in her life she felt like she was at her best, she was focused on school. Participating in school events like volunteering, She even was getting her homework done weeks before it was due instead of the night before like she usually did. Before the old Aria wasn't so fond of school at all sure she was good at taking tests and getting her good grades but she wasn't as focused on school like this before. Suddenly it was like she had her life together and things were looking up since she could remember.

"Well, it seems like Mr. Fitz turned you into the little teacher's pet," she smirked. 

"This was my decision and this has nothing to do with Mr. Fitz." 

"Of course it doesn't, I bet you think you're better than all of us don't you. Straight "A" student, best IQ, daddy's income is all people think of you when your name comes up huh?"

"You know that's not me.  I don't flaunt myself around campus like you do to try to get attention." 

" Of all the things I've done for you and this is what in return shows how such a good friend you are. " she stormed off.

Aria sighed and closed her eyes. After Ali left a tear slipped down her cheek, but once the door to the darkroom opened she quickly wiped it away. 

"Hey, there you are I was looking for you. I wanted to know if you were getting those pictures developed."

"Yeah, I've been here doing that."

"Oh and before I forget a couple of new students wanted to join so I would you be okay to like to mentor them you show them the ropes?"

"Of course I'm glad more people decided to join, it's not as boring as people may think." she slightly smiled, which probably gave away her facade.

"Um, you're good right?"

"Yeah of course just tired that's all."

He accepted her response and walked out the door.


The next day Aria was at home doing homework in her room when her dad walked in.

"Hey, you doin homework?"

"Yup it sucks"

"Wanna ditch it for a bit so we can get ice cream?"

" Aren't you suppose to tell me to make sure I get all my homework done before I play?" she joked.

"Sure, but I'm the cool dad so toss it and grab your coat so we can go to 'Afters' ice cream.

"Alright, I guess."

Once they decided which flavor they wanted after 20 minutes of deciding they sat down by the window devouring their cones. Minutes later a woman walked in, she made contact with her and her dad but continued to go to the cashier to order once she had her ice cream in hand she headed towards them with a big smile on her face.

"Byron it's good to see you."

"Meredith you remember me mentioning my oldest daughter at work."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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