The Homework

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Maka wrote furiously on her paper as Soul played the newest game on his phone.

"Ugh! Soul?" Maka sighed. "I'm trying to do my homework. Can't you play that thing somewhere else?"

Soul hesitated. "But then you'll be all lonely."

"Yes and then I'll have some concentration." Maka says. "You know, Soul, you should start your homework too."

Soul groans. "It's too much effort. I'll just say I forgot about the assignment."

"Professor Stein won't fall for that and you know it." Maka laughed.

"Maybe he will." Soul shrugged. "He's an old man. He won't fall for it, just wait and see."

~The next day~

Professor Stein went around the classroom collecting the homework from the day before. As he picked up Maka's paper he noticed there wasn't any paper in front of Soul.

"Soul," Stein said calmly, "where is your assignment?"

Soul smiles at Maka, who rolled her eyes. "Well you see...I forgot about it."

Stein hesitated for a second and then flung a knife at the wall, missing Soul by a little.

Soul jumped up. "What the hell dude!? That thing could've killed me!"

"You should know better, Soul." Stein says. "I know when you're lying."

"That doesn't give you a reason to throw knives at people!!" Soul yelled.

"Next time--do your homework." Stein said and then walked to the next student.

Soul looked over at Maka, who was holding in her laughter.

"What's so funny, Maka?"

Maka looks at him. "I find it ironic that you didn't do your homework and Black Star did his."

"What!?" Soul gasped. "Black Star did his homework!?"

He turned around to see Black Star smiling down at him, waving his homework in Soul's face.

Soul growled and ripped the paper out of his hands and teared it up.

As Soul laughed away, he was alarmed by someone picking him up by the collar of his jacket.

He was face to face with Stein.

Soul smiled nervously as Stein flicked Soul's forehead and let him go.

Maka leaned close to Soul and whispered, "Next time, just do your homework please."

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