Someone speical

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           Jordan  P.O.V
               My alarm clock woke me up just in time to go on a morning run before my first day of school.

        Hopefully my first day won't be as bad as it usually is at a new school.
         I get my yoga pants on a tank top and my 5sos hoodie and change to go on my morning run. I quickly put my nikes on , put my hair in a messy ponytail and grab my phone along with my ear buds and walk out the door.

       Theirs a realy nice park by my house so I just go their.

As I enter the park, I put my spotify mix of my fav. Bands, put my earbuds in and start my run.

       There's only a few people here. Good looking blond guy. An old couple, and a guy with a dog.

     That blond guy looks familiar. Have I seen him before? He's kinda got. Hehe he's kinda hot tho !!

          Eh I'll take a closer look when I get to his side of the park. Who knows maybe I'll run into him hurt my ankle and ask for a ride home . Jk maybe the run into him part but not the take me home that's cray cray for all I know he could be some kind of rapist or something.

       God, this park is so peaceful. I should come here more often. Nice place to let all your stress out and think.

       Wait at what time does school start?

I wonder if I'll see that cute guy from Hot Topic. What was his name? Jordan? Jacob? Justin? I hope I do though he was realy cute, I feel bad for not remembering his name. But like what if his name was Jordan? What would our ship name be? I mean we have the same name! Hopefully it isn't Jordan.

Side note what am I gonna wear? Should I just wear the usual ? Flannel with skinny jeans and converse? Yeah thar sounds good, plus it'll feel good. Gosh I am 5sos trash.

OMFG! Just got a tweet! I repeat just got a tweet! It's Luke!! And he just posted a pic of him,his family and artichoke together!! Ok i'm not ok. I need to punch something!

      I bet I would make Luke happier than her. Plus I wouldn't mess with the fam! She is seriously tearing us apart! Ugh I swear one day larazaylea is gonna be no more, and Lordan or Juke is gonna be real!!

    Jordan keep it together! You do not need any negitive vibes today or anyfay matter a fact, but especially not today! Today all you need to think about is going to school, making a good first impression and making friends.

       Oh my bob, I am so tired!! How long have I been jogging ?

I quickly take out my phone and check the time. It's only been like an hour, why the hell am I so tired then ?

     I should make my way back home, to start to get ready for school.

      I start to jog towards the short bridge that I crossed earlier when I notice that one kinda hot blonde. He's talking to himself. That's odd. Hmmm. I'm almost there when my foot decides to be a dumbass and trip over air.

      Before I know it I find myself tumbling down the small hill,& crashing into something.

         At first I thought I hit a tree but that was when I realized that it was that one hot blond guy!!

     I got up hoping he wouldn't be mad when I realized that I stumble into the one and only Michael Clifford but that I also knocked him out.

A/N ok so heres another crappy as fudge update keep in mind that i wrote it at 1am so yeah don't judge and of you do go complain to someone that actualy gives two flying fucks cuz believe me i won't:) Anyway hope you guys like it.

What will she do ?

What should her middle name be ?

When will Michael wake up?

What if he doesn't? 

Will she make friends?

Does her mom know she weant for a run ?

Whats ur favorite pizza topping?

Will Michael wake up with amnesia? 

Red or black undies ?

Again anyway
Plz vote, comment and love 5sos
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I swear they're all realy nice, fun, awesome and just plain great people u should totally follow them. Oh and do me a favor and check out their books too i swear they're great authors !!

Thanks for reading. Remember always appreciate feedback.
love you all


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