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Chapter 2

After about 5 minutes of looking around, thinking of where to go, a woman, working there, who I'd say was in her twenties came up to us.

"Are you guys alright?" She asked politely. I read her name tag and it said Sophie.

"Em, we don't know where to go" I confessed, feeling embarrassed.

"That's no problem, I'll show you two where to go" She smiled and led us to the reception desk.

"Hello Margaret, I need two room keys please" She asked politely to Margaret, who looked like she didn't want to be there at all.

"Names?" Margaret demanded. I cleared my throat.

"Emilia and Sam Smoak" I answered. She guided her finger down the page looking for our names.

"Sam, you're number 87" She said and handed Sam his key.

"Thank you" Sam replied.

"And Emilia I can't find your name" She looked up from her page. I panicked, did my Mum even write me down. Well she must have my name was on the sign-in sheets. Then it came to me.

"It's spelt E m i l i a" I told her.

"Of course it bloody is" She murmured under her breath. Okay then, rude much.

"Aren't you a little old to be here, how old are you like, 16?" She sassed. I was shocked.

"Aren't you a little old to still be working, how old are you like, 89?" I sassed back. How dare she call me out like that. She was about to say something and then she bit her tongue.

"You're room number is 28. Enjoy" She handed me my key with a fake smile.

"Thank you" I said while I fake smiled back at her. I didn't really want to thank her but I thought it would annoy her more of if I said thank you. I turned around to Sam.

"You really showed her" He laughed and held up his hand to high five me. I high fived him and shot Margaret a glare.

"Thanks Margaret. I'll show you two to your rooms" Lily smiled.

"Bye Margaret!" I waved at her and she rolled her eyes.


It was a short walk to my cabin, about two minutes, and I was so relived when I saw that my roommate wasn't here yet. I hope they aren't stuck up or rude or messy. Oh god, I hate messy people.

When you walk through the door of the cabin, there are two beds on either side of the room with their own wardrobes and in the middle of the room there was a bathroom. Oh god, we have to share a toilet. At this point I'm praying that I have a girl roommate.

I decided I better hurry up and pick the bed I want before my roommate comes in. I picked the bed on the right and laid my gear bag on top of the bed. I thought it would be better to have everything unpacked sooner rather than later. So I started to take the clothes out of my bag and laying them on the bed. Firstly, the underwear. I had 10 bras with me. I had a bizzillion knickers and a few thongs. I don't really wear thongs that often, so I don't really know why I brought them.

Then suddenly, my thoughts got cut off when someone burst through the door and fell flat on their face. It was a boy. My initial thought was 'Great, I have a boy roommate' but when I realised he was still on the floor. I burst out laughing.

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