Bruce Wayne ~ How you met

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You sigh as you throw darts at your dartboard in your living room that your ex put up. There was nothing good on tv, nobody ever texts you so you just put on some music and try to make at least one dart stick into the board. But little did you know that on the news their was an alert set out for this apartment, the joker had placed bombs in a few apartments but nobody knew which one. Some people got the memo grabbed there valuables and left but some people dident get the memo and stayed.

You let out a squeak when a hand hands on your shoulder making you spin around to punch who it belongs to but the person quickly catches it. Your eyes go wide as you realize it's Batman, Thee batman.
"Why are you still here?! Dident you get the message?!" He says with harsh tone.
"Nice to meet you too" you mumble. "What message?"
"Joker put bombs all over the apartment complex. I got most of them except the one in here" he says and turns around as bluish lasers scan the walls.
"Good talk" you sigh and go back to attempting to get a dart in the board.

He opens a vent and pulls out...well to explain it it's a package with wires aka a bomb. He disables it with ease before his eyes find you trying to get a dart in. He shakes his head and pulls out a baterang, pretending he's still working on the now disabled bomb and writes something on it with a marker you left on the table and writes down something before starting to make his was out holding the bomb getting your attention.
"Thanks, go kick some ass" you mumble before sighing and collapsing on your small couch. You hear a small chuckle.
"You could use some help with your dart board skills" he says as he walks up to it on the wall.
"Its not a talent I have" you laugh.
"Plus I work my ass off at work so I don't have time for it"
"'s are you off on them?" He asks and you raise an eyebrow. " I could teach you some tricks on the roof every Tuesday night" he smiles.
"Is the famous batman trying to ask me on a date?" You laugh trying to contain a blush. "Sure, that sounds fun"

He nods but you can't see he was actully blushing too as he hops out your window.

Sooo that was batman. Gotta admit he looks cute from what I can see.

(Please send requests )

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