Tony Stark ~ Fight

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You pressed the elevator button to go to main floor in the Avengers tower. Today will be the day. The day you tell Tony, your boyfriend of five years your pregnant.

You reached your floor and exited the elevator to find the unsettling faces of the Avengers looking at you. "Hey guys. Tony here?" You smile getting a nervous feeling. "Hunny Tony..he is uh" Natasha says worry filling her face. "Pepper showed up to talk with Tony. They went in the bedroom...and haven't came out yet." Clint says helping out Natasha but Rhody, Natasha, Sam, and Steve give you sad apologetic look. "Well maybe there not doing what we think" you say but nobody responds as you walk to Tonys room. Hoping that they aren't doing what you think you enter the room.

Your heart drops seeing pepper on top of Tony mid sex. "T-tony?" You whisper sadly but he hears you and his eyes meet yours. He immediately pushes pepper off but by that time your out of the room, not making eye contact with the others as you enter the elevator. "F.R.I.D.A.Y activate override protocall 45. Don't let Tony come after me" you croak as tears stream down your cheaks.

eight months have passed since that day and thanks to F.R.I.D.A.Y Tony can't come within A mile of you with a car or suit so it's easy to spot him on the streats with crowds around him. He never really came after you though. Not that you wanted him to...Today you had to visit the Avengers tower because apparently there was an argument that Steve dident want to cook dinner again. When you used to spend the night there all the time you and him took turns cooking.

You enterd the elevator to the avengers tower and sighed. "F.R.I.D.A.Y you can cancel the over ride protocol 45. I dont care about Tony tonight" you say lieing to yourself as the door opens to the main floor.
"Welcome back Ms. (Y/N)" the IA says and your met by exited Natasha. "I'm so happy you came, how's the little one" she says putting her hand on your baby bump. "We're both doing great" you smile walking with her to the lounge. It felt as if your heart stoped when you see Tony on the couch drinking some wine with pepper next to him. Your eyes meet intensely for a few seconds, his pleading sadness. You hold your baby bump and sit on the couch with Natasha and Pietro. "(Y/N) I now understand why people say women glow when their pregnant, because your stunning." Pietro purrs rubbing your shoulders. His flerting diddent shock you much since did that with you when you were with Tony. In the corner of your eye you see a pissed off Tony. "Your pregnant?" Tony says turning his attention to Pietro. Pietro looks like he want to have fun with this. You nod fining his permission to fuck with Tony. "Yes, and the baby's mine" he smirks pulling you closer to him. "You got my girlfriend pregnant?" Tony says a little louder and Natasha leans back for the show. "Ex girlfriend." You state kissing Pietros cheak. "Pietro don't get her to exited she could pop any minute." Clint laughs. "Then I would love her even more since shes having my baby." Everyone laughs but Tony who's boiling with jealousy. "Maybe we should have kids" pepper says innocently earning a glare from Tony. "Why are you even here Pepper" he says anoyed."because I love you" she groans. "No, no you dont. Do to your mood swings on liking me and not liking me I lost the love of my life to th a idot" He shouts and leaves the lounge and goes to his room. Everyone's silent as Pepper storms out. "Um..I think I'll start dinner." You mumble going to meet Steve in the kitchen to cook everyone's favorite meal.

After everyone eats Natasha nudges you."go talk to him, he needs you" she smiles sympathetically and you nod with a sigh before going into his room. "Tony?" You call into the dark room. "Anthony.." You say again before seeing he's sitting on his bed with his head in his hands with a picture of you on his lap he took of you when he took you out flying in his suit. You sit next to him. Making him jump. "Tony. What me and Pietro were saying was just a joke." You sigh and kiss his cheak. "He still deserves you more than me, your having his baby.Im so sorry about what i did with pepper. I might not be able to have you now but please forgive me" He sniffles sitting up and resting his forehead on yours. Looking into his watery doe eyes you feel your heart break. "Tony...the baby is not's yours..I was going to tell you but..I saw you and Pepper. "I-its mine...I'm a d-dad" he sobs putting his hands on your baby bump. "I don't love her. I love you!" He pleads for forgiveness. You just press your lips to his trembling ones. "I know now Anthony" you mumble wiping one of his tears as he pulls away getting on his knees and kissing the swell of your stomach. "Daddys not leaving you. I won't ever hurt your mama ever again either" He mumbles into your stomach.

"Anthony..?" You ask nervously. "Yes, my love?"
"Does Bruce know how to deliver a baby?"
"Yeah, I think. Why?" He asks looking Iup.
"My water just broke" you blush and he looks down seeing you starting to leak through your jeans.


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