Chapter 1 Seeing the Unseen

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Your hair is draped around your shoulders like a flowing waterfall as you enter the room. Your eyes peer out through the darkness, and your black angel-like wings are perched on your back. Your clothes are black as well, long and flowy, trailing the ground as you walk. A slight breeze chills you emerging from the open window, the window you used to enter the room. The curtains flutter making a miniscule amount noise, but you glare them at them anyway, and they fall silent. You clutch a jar, the black mist it contains swirling around inside, desperate to get out. Some refer to your kind as dark creatures, or foul things, but you are most commonly known as Mares.

You turn your gaze towards your next victim a sweet, innocent teenage girl, hair recently dyed and room full of pink. Honestly, it disgusted you. You make your way to the side of her bed, not making even the slightest of sounds. You watch her, sleeping peacefully, and you smile. Unscrewing the lid of the jar, you carefully reach inside pulling out a strand of the dark mist. It pulls and tugs against your hand, desperate to get inside that poor innocent girls head. Finally, you let go of it and it zooms over to her, swirling around before entering her mind. You smile deviously, sitting down on the air, level with her bed, watching your magic do its work.

You watch the nightmare creep and crawl, wandering around her brain. It collects pieces of memories and information, compiling them together to make the nightmare complete. You can see it, almost like a movie displayed on the wall as the nightmare twists the girl's dream into something dreadfully terrifying. Your gaze flickers over to the teen, as slowly her beautiful dream takes a turn for the worse. It gets worse. And worse. And worse. But you smile, you are empowered by the fear that drifts off her. She tosses and turns frantically in her bed, sweat drenching her when suddenly... she shoots up in bed. She looks around wildly but sees nothing. Only a bookshelf full of books, a dresser full of clothes and pictures on the wall. She sees her pink rug on the floor, and the window, shut, locked tight, curtains drawn.

The wind passes underneath your wings as you soar high above the city. You circle around before finding a window cracked open a bit. The people of this place had a superstition that if you left your window open it would be easier for dreams to be delivered. They didn't realize that it made it that much easier for you to haunt their dreams. Oh well, their problem, not yours. Coming to the edge of the second story of the apartment, you pried the window open even more. Upon entering the room, you noticed that you were now dealing with a young man, probably in his mid to late 20's. He was curled up in a little ball, green hair covering part of his face. You smiled, unscrewing the lid to the jar and taking out another nightmare, before shutting it tight again.

As soon as you took a step towards the sleeping man, he stirred and you froze. He sat up in the bed, rubbing his eyes and looking around sleepily. Fear and panic arose inside of you. His blue eyes surveyed the room, catching a hold of you standing there. He stared at you in awe, the ocean from his eyes running into the deep darkness of your soul. Without another thought, you dash towards to open window, unfurling your wings and not even caring if he saw them. He runs after you watching you fly into the distance, disappearing into the night. You shake your head, trying to eliminate your fear. In your haste, you had left the nightmare behind. You felt something prick at your heart. What was happening? You're not supposed to be seen. You're not supposed to fall in love.

Author's Note

Caitlin has joined me in the darkness mwhahahahaha! *lights turn on* I mean... *cough cough* oh wow Caitlin, that was dark, I can't believe how creepy that was, oh no... (haha XD -C) Anyways! XD Welcome to "Nightmares of the Best Kind." This (was all my idea haha no jk -C) *cough cough* tag-teamed ideas *cough* this is the seventh collab we've done. Seven. (We will never stop!!!! Well, I mean when school starts back up then it won't be this many but shush... We won't ever stop!! -C) NEVAH XD This will be updated every Monday and Thursday by the way. Anywho! Thank you guys for reading this chapter, we hope you enjoyed it, and we will seE ALL YOU DUDES! IN THE NEXT VIDEO!

Peace! -A
All in all, Buh-Bye! -C

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