Chapter 4 To the Trees

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Jack sat in his chair, twisting around as he waited for you. He didn't know why, he just assumed that you would come back. Sam floated around his head, twisting at random angles as if he was performing in an acrobatics show. He smiled at Sam and yawned, his eyelids growing heavy. He watches Sam for a few more minutes before sighing and shuffling to bed, deciding that he should go to sleep instead of staying up all night.

Someone was gently shaking Jack, waking him up. He looked up at you, not fully processing what was happening. "Jack? Jack wake up."

He sits up and looks around the room, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. "Wha?

A smile teases the corners of your mouth. "Sorry I took so long... and that I flew off yesterday."

Jack smiled and enveloped you in a hug, taking you by surprise. "It's okay, I'm glad you're back."

Jack noticed that it took you a few seconds to loosen up and relax into the hug. You pull away and move to the window. Jack slides out of bed and grabs your hand. "Wait, you're not leaving are you?"

You turn and smile at Jack. "I want to show you something."

He nods. "Yeah, what is it?"

You look out the window and carefully unfurl your wings. Jack's eyes widen and he backs away from the window, hugging himself. You raise an eyebrow at Jack. "What's wrong?"

"Are, are we gonna fly around?"

You nod slowly. Jack sits on the edge of the bed and shakes his head rapidly. "I-I can't. I'm scared of heights."

You smile softly at him. "I'll hold onto you, I promise."

"T-that's not what I'm worried about."

You grab Jack's hand and gently guide him towards the window. "Jack, it'll be fine."

"You promise?"

You nod and jump onto the window seal. "I promise. Come here."

Jack fumbles with his hands before nodding. "Okay. What do I have to do?"

"Just, come here."

Jack hesitates before moving closer to you. "I don't know why I'm trusting a Mare."

You roll your eyes as you hug him. "You don't even know what a Mare is."

"Yes I do, I googled it last night." he defends himself.

You nod. "I can't wait to hear what the internet thinks I am. Are you ready?"

Jack tenses up, but he nods. You smile, creeping towards of the edge. "Watch your head."

You then jump out the window and flap your wings, earning a high-pitched squeal from Jack. You stifle a laugh and continue to rise higher into the air. Jack's arms tightened immensely, and you found yourself holding him tighter as well. You found a tree in a secluded area of a park and landed on a branch close to the top. Even though you had stopped flying, you still held onto Jack, his head buried in your shoulder. You rubbed comforting circles on his back. "Hey, it's okay Jack."

He lifted his head, looking at your surroundings. "Where are we?"

"Just, a place where I like to hang out."

He nods and retracts his arms, lowering himself so he could sit on the branch. You chuckled as he took deep breaths. You sit down next to him and hold his hand. "Hey, I'm right here Jack, I'm not going to let you fall."

He nods and scoots closer to you, leaning against your arm. You laugh as you swing your leg over the branch and put your arms around Jack, pulling him closer. "Thanks Y/n," he mumbles as he closes his eyes.

Smiling, you rest your head on top of his and close your eyes. "You're welcome Jack."

Author's Note

Well, Here we are, testing Jack's fear of heights again. But everything was alright. We joked around about Jack falling to his death, but it was only a joke. ("And then you push him off the branch, watching as he falls to his death." -A) Jack is fine. Don't worry, we won't kill him. XD (*fleeting look* -A) Anyway, I hoped you liked this update and WE WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES... In the next video!!

All in all, Buh-Bye!! -C
Peace! -A

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