3 - Mate!

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Hadrian sat down in an empty compartment and took his shrunken pastel mint green suitcase out from his skirt pocket and spelled it to it's normal size. He took out a fluffy black blanket and a bag of gummy bears then re-shrunk the luggage. Rain hopped gracefully onto his lap and curled on a ball, purring. Wrapping the soft blanket around his shoulders, he popped a few gummy bears (He made sure to avoid the orange bears, as he absolutely detested the taste of artificial orange flavoring.) into his mouth and took out his phone engrossed himself in attempt in attempt to reach a higher score on flappy bird.

The door to his compartment was thrown open and suddenly, the most intoxicating scent invaded his nostrils - the smell of fresh mint, ripe summer lemons and a hint of sandalwood. Looking up at to find the source of the scent, Hadrian saw the most attractive boy he has ever seen - he was drop dead gorgeous like a real life Adonis. The intruder had pale bond hair that hung loose around his ears and slightly curled under his chin, and eyes like pools of silver, glinting in the light. He had a strong, defined jawline (Hadrian was sure it could cut through diamonds.) and aristocratic features. The male had a drool worthy physique - defined hard muscles and abs visible trough his gray dress shirt whose sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Hadrian could tell he was at least - if not more than - six feet tall (Judging from the comparison to the seven foot tall door frame to the compartment.) and would tower over Hadrian's 5'3 height.

Hadrian felt an irresistible pull towards the blonde, a need - a desire be with him, to let him protect him from any harm.

Mate! Mate! Mate!

Hadrian subconsciously licked his lips as the other stalked towards him, like a wolf eyeing its prey. He lowered his eyes in submission and avoided the silver eyed gaze. A large hand grasped his chin and tilted it up to look at the other blonde.

"Look at me, my mate. My name is Draconis Lucius Malfoy, love. Quite a pleasure to meet you. And your name is...?" A silky voice drawled.

"H-Hadrian, Hadrian Mare Snape-Riddle. But my dads call me Ri." He all but whispered.

"Ri, huh? How cute." Draco bent his head over Hadrian's shoulder, and licked the shell of Hadrian's ear lobe. The raven haired boy shivered. With a smirk, Draco plopped down next to the other, circling his muscular arms around his waist and pulling him onto his lap (Causing Rate n to jump down and meadow in protest.). Hadrian squeaked in alarm as the blonde nuzzled his nose into the crook of the smaller's neck.

"Hmmmm. Smells so good. Like fresh vanilla and spices, I could just devour you right now." Draco sighs in content.

"Don't be silly, I wouldn't taste good at all - probably just like human flesh, yuck!" Hadrian giggled cutely. In the spur of the moment, Draco presses his lips against Hadrian's, who gasps and pulls away.

"Dray! My Papa says that people shouldn't kiss until they are at least twenty years old! We did something bad, very bad!" Hadrian exclaims. Draco smiled at his cuteness.

"Well, your Papa is a very smart man, but you see, we are soulmates, fated to be together by the Creators themselves. So it is perfectly fine to kiss. You see? Let me show you." Draco says coyly.

He places one hand on the back of Hadrian's neck and the other on his waist, pulling him towards his strong chest. He slams their lips together, causing Hadrian to grasp his shoulders to support himself. Their lips rub together raw as they kiss. Draco nips and sucks on Hadrian's luscious, plump bottom lip and probes his tongue against his mate's puckered lips. Hadrian parts his lips and grants the blonde access into his mouth. Draco's explores every inch of the warm cavern, tasting the sweet flavor a of sweet fruity gummy bears from the earlier snack. Their tongues dance together sensually, rubbing and caressing each other's. Hadrian brings his small hands up to tangle into the blonde silky locks of hair, fingers curling around the strands at the nape of the neck. Draco's finger travels to the waistband of Hadrian's skirt, rubbing the fabric between his fingers before slipping his hand down, cupping the full, round bum cheeks. He is quite pleasantly surprised to find the other is wearing a pair of lace panties, which only resulted in turning him on even more.

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