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Micky turned, terrified that a guard had caught him.

But what stood in front of him was much, much worse.

Like Michael, John Lennon was one of the most feared criminals at Stonewall. Micky hadn't been at the prison for a long time, but John was notorious. He was originally from Liverpool, but he moved to Texas about ten years ago and had murdered his wife and two children in cold blood not long after. He got out of the death penalty by pleading insanity—and instead got life in prison.

"What do you think you're doing?" John sneered. He grabbed Micky by the arm, causing him to cry out.

"Hey!" Michael shouted. "Let 'im go!"

John laughed. "Can't seem to break him in, Nesmith? I hear he got you sent to solitary."

Michael fell silent and looked away so John couldn't see him blush.

"Let me take him," John ran his fingers up and down Micky's arm, which sent shivers down Micky's spine—but not in a good way. "I'll break him in real good."

"Get away from 'im," Michael seethed. His embarrassment faded and he was boiling with anger yet again.

"Mmmm, I don't think so." John kissed Micky's cheek. Micky wanted to vomit, but he knew not to pull away. Not unless he had a death wish.

Michael seemed to've forgotten about Davy. He flashed his blade at John menacingly. "I mean it, John. Let Micky go."

John scoffed. "What're you defending your bitch for, Nesmith?"

Michael clenched his teeth together and didn't say anything.

"Why," John purred, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you have genuine feelings for him."

Framed (Dolenzmith) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now