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Micky squinted against the dim, yet impossibly bright lighting as he slowly came to. He was lying in a stiff bed (it was almost as stiff as the bed in his cell) and was covered by an itchy blanket that he immediately kicked off.

"Where am I?" he groaned.

"You're in the infirmary." Micky looked over to see Michael sitting by his bedside. "Peter and I brought you here after you fainted."

"Michael? They let you stay?"

"The nurse needed a little convincing," Michael chuckled. He got up and sat on the edge of the infirmary bed, gently caressing Micky's cheek. "But yeah, I'm here."

"I'm glad." Micky leaned into Michael's touch.

Michael smiled and gently ran his thumb over Micky's hollowed cheek. His face was thin and hollow looking, and he had heavy bags under his eyes. "You haven't been eating."

"I..." Micky looked down. "I thought it was a better way to go than the electric chair."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore, all right? Promise me you'll eat."

"I promise," Micky whispered.

Michael smiled again and leaned forward, kissing his lover. Micky eagerly responded, wrapping a hand around the back of Michael's neck to pull him closer. When they pulled away, Michael looked at Micky with kind eyes. They were not the eyes of a man who'd raped a seemingly countless amount of women.

"I love you."

Micky felt warmth when he heard those words. "I love you too."

Michael kissed him again, leaning his forehead against Micky's. Micky was eager to please and, in that moment as they held each other, it felt like they were the only two people on Earth.

In that moment, nothing could rip them apart.

this chapter gave me mass feels oops

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