Chapter 3

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Vilu: What are you saying dad? You're mad!
Angie: Germán please calm down, you know it isn't the solution.
Germán: Violetta I can't believe this! What have you done? You're only 18!!
Vilu: I don't know what you are talking about dad!
Vilu starts crying a little.
Germán: When I called you, before you hanged up the phone I heard that stupid boy saying; "he won't discover we are in my bedroom"!!
Angie is shocked and looks disappointed at Violetta.
Vilu starts crying a lot.
Vilu: Nothing happened dad! I promise! We were just talking!
Germán: I don't believe you. Go to your room, I have to talk to Angie. We'll talk tomorrow very seriously.
Vilu cleans her eyes with his hands.
Vilu: Angie please, believe me.
Angie says nothing. Vilu goes up stairs and lays in her bed.
She takes her phone and calls León.
León: Violetta? Was your dad angry?
Violetta cries.
León: What happened? Don't cry please.
Violetta explains León what happened (still with tears)
León: What? No you can't leave me! Nothing happened! I'm going to your house now and I'll explain your father.
Vilu: No please! It'll be worse. Maybe tomorrow.
León: I'll tell my mother everything, she was here yesterday all the time, your father will believe her.
Vilu: I hope so. I love you. Good night.
León: Good night princess.
Violetta puts her pijama on, lays on the bed, close her eyes and some tears come out from his eyes.
Someone knocks the door.
Vilu: Dad please leave me alone!
Angie: I'm Angie, I just wanna talk to you.
Vilu: Ok, come in.
Violetta sits on the bed and Angie sits in front of her.
Angie: I thought you might need this.
Angie gives Vilu a tissue box.
Violetta smiles.
Vilu: Thanks.
She cleans her eyes and her mouth with a tissue.
Angie: Vilu I love you so much you know that, but you have to tell me the truth.
Vilu: I already did! You don't believe me. I'm sure dad sent you here to talk to me.
Angie: No Vilu, he's sleeping, well, trying to sleep. I told him I was going to the bathroom. You know that he loves you.
Vilu: I know... but I thought you two knew me better.
Vilu cries.
Angie hugs Vilu and kisses her head.
Angie: I'm so sorry, I believe you. Everything's gonna be okay. You're the best niece and daughter I could have. We are not moving to Spain.
Vilu: Thanks, you are a great aunt and mother, too.
Angie stands up and goes to the door.
Angie: Good night.
She smiles at Vilu and she smiles back.
Vilu: Good night.
Angie closes the door.
Vilu hears a noise, something is hitting the window. She hesitates for a moment but then she stands up, goes to open the windows and looks down.
León: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!
Vilu: What are you doing here??!
León: I couldn't sleep because I knew you were sad. You need a Leoncito hug.
He smiles and winks at Vilu.
Vilu: Yes I need you so much! But it's very dangerous, if my father sees you, it will be a disaster. He is already so angry.
León: I can climb to your window, I will be there just five minutes to calm you. He won't realise about anything.
Vilu: Ok! But be careful!!
León jumps with agility and Vilu helps him to enter through the window . She hugs him tightly and starts crying.
Vilu: Thank you for coming, you know your hugs always calm me.
León: And why are you crying?
Vilu looks at León's eyes.
Vilu: Because I love you so much and I don't want to lose you!
León: You don't have to! We can run away together, tonight, right now!
She cleans her tears with her fingers.
Vilu: I would go anywhere with you but I don't want to leave everything León! My dad, Angie, our friends, the studio, we are going on tour...
León: Yeah you're right... well, don't worry, nobody will separate us.
León kisses Vilu softly.
Vilu: I'm so tired... But I don't think I'll be able to sleep.
León: I can stay with you until you are asleep.
Vilu: Okey.
They lay on the bed and Vilu hugs León. He stroked Vilu's hair for a while.
The sunlight wakes Violetta up. She opens her eyes.
León is asleep and they are hugging. She closes her eyes again and smiles. Suddenly she opens her eyes, gets up and whispers nervously at León.
Vilu: León!!! You didn't leave yesterday!
León: Oh! I fell asleep!
Someone knocks the door.
Germán: Vilu, I'm dad, I'm sorry about yesterday I should have listened to you. Can I come in?
Vilu and León look at each other horrified.
Vilu: Dad I don't wanna talk now.
Germán: I won't go till we talk. I'll wait here.
Vilu: (whispering) Hide behind the bed!! -León hides
Vilu: Ok, come in.
Germán: Violetta, I talked to Angie and she told me she trusts you completely so I trust you too. But I can't be sure about everything and I don't want you to be with León so much time. We won't move and you don't have to break up with him but be careful and spend more time with other friends, not with him.
Vilu: That's not fair! He's my boyfriend and I like being with him.
León gets out from behind the bed.
*Vilu to herself: No, no, no*
León: You can't do that! We are in love! Why do you always treat her like that!?
Germán looks horrified and starts shouting.
Germán: What are you doing here?! You spent the night with my daughter?? Violetta I trusted you!
Angie enters.
Angie: What's going on in here? Stop shouting.
Germán explains her what happened.
Angie: Vilu I can't believe that... I trusted you.
Vilu: I can explain...
Germán: No! I don't believe you anymore! We're moving to Spain tomorrow!
León: It's all my fault...
Germán: Of course it is! Get out of my house now!
León and Angie leave.
Germán: Start packing, we are leaving tomorrow.
He leaves and slams de door.
Vilu stays there, petrified.

Poor Germán, I always make him the bad one of the story haha

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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