Chapter 2

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In León's house.
León's mum: Hello Violetta! I haven't seen you for a while! How are you?
Vilu: I'm fine thanks.
León: Mum, can you lend Violetta a jacket? She forgot hers.
Lm: Of course! I'll come back in a minute.
León's mother leaves. Her name is Marisa.
León: Let's go to my room.
León sits down on his bed and Vilu sits next to him. Violetta's phone rings.
Vilu: Oh no it's my dad! If he discovers I'm here he'll kill me!
León: You are exaggerating, tell him we are in a restaurant.
Vilu answers the phone call.
Vilu: Hi dad.
Germán: Vilu, Where are you? You didn't ask me if you could go out with León tonight.
Vilu: Dad! I'm not a little girl, I sent you a message.
Germán: Where are you?
Vilu: Emm, I'm in a restaurant.
Germán: Ok, have fun, bye.
Vilu: Bye dad.
León: See, he won't discover we are in my bedroom.
Vilu looks nervous.
León: What's wrong?
Vilu: Nothing, I get nervous when you are very close to me.
León takes Violetta's face with his hand and bring it close to his.
León: Like now?
Vilu: Yes, I even hear my heart beating.
León gets closer to Vilu...
León's mum enters, she wears a pink denim jacket in her hands.
Marisa: Violetta I think this one is perfect for you...
León and Violetta get apart quickly.
Marisa: Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt.
León: It's ok, thanks mum. Let's go Vilu.
León kisses his mother and Vilu too. They leave and travel in León's motorbike.
Vilu: Where are we going?
León: It's a surprise, I can't tell you.
Vilu hugs León tightly in the motorbike.
Vilu: You're driving too fast.
León: Sorry, I like when you hug me like that.
Vilu laughs
They arrive.
León: We have to walk a little to arrive to the surprise.
Vilu: Ok, so let's go!
León: No, first I want you to put this mask in your eyes.
Vilu: I'm excited, I want to see it now!....Well, ok I'll do it.
They arrive to the place.
León: We arrived!
León takes off Vilu's mask. She opens her eyes...
Vilu sees the sea in front of her.
Vilu: Ooh! we are at the beach.
León: Yes, look.
León shows Violetta a table with two chairs, and candles. There are rose petals on the sand.
Vilu: Aww, you are so sweet, I love you!!
Vilu hugs León putting her arms around León's neck. They sit down.
Vilu: What are we going to eat?
León: Look.
A waiter comes from a restaurant which is near to the beach and serves them a great meal. They have dinner together, talk and laugh about a lot of things. Then they have a walk holding hands.
Vilu puts her head on León's shoulder.
León: Do you like the surprise?
Vilu: I love it.
León looks at the sea.
Vilu: What are you thinking about?
León smiles.
León: Have you ever swum in the sea at night?
Vilu: Oh no that's crazy! I don't wear swimsuit.
León laughs, takes off his shoes and runs into the water. Vilu looks at him with a surprise face.
León: Come on Violetta! We'll have fun!
*Vilu to herself: don't think it Violetta, just do it*
Vilu takes off his shoes and runs into the water with León.
Vilu: Oh my god it's so cold!! Why didn't you tell me?
Vilu looks at León angrily. He laughs.
León: I'm sorry sweetie, but I knew that if I told you, you wouldn't come.
Vilu: I must look horrible, my hair and my clothes are wet and dirty.
León: You are beautiful.
Vilu: (laughing) Oh thanks but you aren't, I wish you could see yourself.
León looks disappointed.
León: Oh, really?
Vilu: It was a joke, you are the most handsome boy in the world. And I love you so much.
León: I love you too.
León and Violetta kiss under the big shiny moon.
León hugs violetta and goes down until they have their heads under the water. Violetta swims up quickly. She starts coughing.
Vilu: León! Why did you do that?
León: Sorry, I thought it would be fun.
Vilu: Please León let's come back home, it's late and I'm sure my father is gonna kill me.
León: You can change your clothes and he'll never know.
Vilu: I don't have clothes here.
León: Don't worry honey, let's get out of the water, the surprises haven't finished yet.
León smiles. They walk back to the motorbike and León takes a cute bag from the motorbike boot.
León: Congratulations! This is for you.
Vilu: Why? It isn't our anniversary or my birthday.
León: Mmm I don't know, just because I love you. -He smiles.
Vilu opens the present. It is a pink informal dress and a pair of high platform heels.
Vilu: I love it! How did you know I like these heels?
León: Your "sister" helped me.
Vilu: Ludmila? -She laughs.
León: Yes! come on, put it on.
Vilu: I can't change my clothes if you're watching.
León: (laughing) Ok, but I had to try!
Vilu makes a fake angry face.
Vilu: Go there are don't look until I tell you.

Vilu: Ok I'm ready!
León comes back.
León: You're perfect!
Vilu: Thank you. Come on we have to leave now!
They go to Vilu's house on the motorbike.
Vilu: How do I look?
León: Your hair is still a bit wet but I don't think your father will realise.
Vilu: I hope so. See you tomorrow.
Vilu hugs León and looks at him leaving in the motorbike.
She opens the door with her keys silently. Germán is waiting angrily in the living room and Angie is sitting on the sofa wearing her pijama.
Germán: Violetta! It's half past twelve! You didn't answer my phone calls. I can't believe you are so irresponsible!
Angie: Calm down my love, it's ok.
Germán: It's not ok Angie! You don't know the truth.
Vilu: Sorry dad, it won't happen again. I'm tired, I'm going to my room.
Germán: (Very nervous) I haven't finished! I know you lied me. You can't see León anymore, I'm going to book a flight and we'll move to... Spain. I'm so disappointed, I can't trust you.
Vilu: What?... *Vilu: Oh no! What does he know? Why is he so angry? That can't be happening*

Another part of my old story. It is cool to reread it... It looks like Germán wants to separate them in all my stories! 😂

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