Chapter 1

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Violetta, Ludmila, Germán and Angie are sitting on the table. Olga brings them the breakfast.
Olga: Here you are, I prepared a special meal for a special day. You look so cute together. I love our family.
She gets very emotional and almost starts to cry. Olga leaves.
Ludmi: Germán, is there news about my mum? I'm worried about her.
Germán: Yes, she is in psychological treatment now, and it's not good for her to talk to you now. I know you miss her, but don't worry, in a few weeks they'll let her call you.
Germán smiles at Ludmi and she smiles back.
Angie: Oh no! We're late! We have to go to the studio. Shall we go all together?
Ludmi and Germán: Yes!
Vilu: Sorry Angie but I'm going with León, he'll arrive soon.
Germán looks worried but doesn't say anything. Angie, Germán and Ludmila leave and Vilu remains on the table.
After a few minutes, the doorbell rings, Vilu smiles and runs to open the door.
León: Good morning my sweat heart!
Vilu: Good morning, you're late! We'll have to run.
León: I don't think so, I brought my motorbike.
Vilu: Perfect! I love you so much.
León: I love you too. Let's go, Andrés told me Pablo has something very important to tell us.
In the studio. Pablo and all the boys and girls are in the zoom.
Fran: Come on Pablo! We are anxious, what happened? Is it bad news?
Pablo: Be patient Francesca, León and Violetta aren't here yet.
León and Violetta arrive.
Vilu: Sorry Pablo, we are a bit late.
Pablo: It's ok. I have some things to tell you. Firstly, I have to communicate that we are having a new singing teacher, it's temporally because Angie and Germán are going in their honey moon. The new teacher will be Jade.
Some of them laugh.
Cami: Jade? She isn't a teacher.
Pablo: I know but she sings very well and she is a different person now, I know you will get along with her.
Also, I want to talk about your final thesis, Ludmila and Andrés, have you decided yet?
Ludmi: Yes! I have a project with my sis, we are a duet now and we are looking for a manager. "Ludmi&Vilu" is coming!
Pablo: Great!
Vilu: We have to talk about the duet's name Ludmi. -She laughs.
Andrés: I don't know yet...
Pablo: Andrés, you have to decide it or you won't have time to prepare it.
Andrés: I know.
Pablo: And finally and the most important thing is......the show in Sevilla was so good that some Spanish sponsors want to sponsor the studio! And we are doing another tour in three months!
Everyone started shouting, laughing and hugging.
Maxi: Seriously? It's incredible! I can't believe it.
León hugged Vilu and raised her in the air.
León: It's unbelievable! I love you Violetta, we are achieving our dream together.
Vilu: I love you too! I can't believe all the good things that have happened!
Vilu's feet are still in the air.
Vilu: León, you can leave me on the floor if you want.
León: I don't want.
León gets closer to Vilu and they kiss.
Everyone watches them. León leaves Violetta on the floor and they look down embarrassed.
Everyone applauds, except the teachers.
Pablo: We are all very happy but we are in class! -He laughs.
It's getting late and Vilu is leaving the studio.
Fran: Hey Vilu!
Violetta turns her head.
Vilu: Hi Fran!
Fran: We can go home together.
Vilu: I'd love to but León told me he has a surprise for me. We have a date.
Fran: Oh he is so sweet, I wish Diego was as romantic as him.
Vilu: I think Diego is romantic, you'll see, why don't you ask him to go out and dinner together tonight?
Fran: Good idea! I'll call him. Bye Vilu.
Violetta and Francesca hug and Fran leaves. Vilu stays outside the studio, it's cold and she starts shivering. León arrives.
León: Hello my love!
Vilu: Hi!
León: Where is your jacket?
Vilu: This morning was sunny and I left it at home.
León: You'll get a cold!
León takes off his jacket and puts it over Vilu's shoulders.
Vilu: You are so sweet but you need your jacket.
León: Ok, so we can go to your house to pick up your jacket.
Vilu: León, you know my father, maybe he doesn't let me go out with you if I go home.
León: Oh that's true, so we can go to my house, I'm sure my mum will have something for you.
Vilu: Ok!
*Vilu: I'm nervous, dad would kill me if he knew I'm going to León's house at night*
León hugs Vilu and they walk holding hands to León's house.

I know the tour thing is similar to the other story.. this story was written before the other but it's different ;) Today I'll update Our Destiny!! Stay tuned 😁

Copyright © 2016 by @storywriter_leonetta

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