The meeting place.

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'Ember, do you guys have set jobs or something?' I ask, as we reach a small marketplace in what looks to be the city square.

'No. It depends on your talent. My brother is excellent at bartering, so he's a travelling merchant. I, however, am a warrior. We'll have to wait and see what you're good at,' Ember replies.

As we walk past the stalls, I realise that the overworld knew nothing about the nether. It wasn't a hell like they said. Nor was it wild. You just had to look closer.

We walk through the market until we reach a stall in the middle. I was about to ask why we'd stopped when I realised that Flame was the owner.

'Hi Flame!'

'Hi Garnet, is there anything you need help with?' he asks.

Before I can answer, Ember replies 'Actually, she was just wondering if there was any obsidian she could borrow?'

'Is that all?,' he laughs, 'that's an easy request. I have a stack at home. You're welcome to it!'

'Thanks Flame!

After saying goodbye, I looked at a clock displayed on a nearby wall.

'Ember, it's almost six. Can you take me to the fountain now?'

Ember turns round and looks at the clock, 'Hey! What do you know? It is. The fountain's about a couple of minutes away, just this way.' With that she starts walking.

True to her word, the fountain was basically just around the corner. When we got there, Mythsha was already there.

'SILVERGARNET!!! YOU'RE HERE!!' she screamed as she saw me, 'Meet Seraline, Lira80 and Lapisgirl2,' pointing to each one in turn.

'Hi! Myth here has been freaking out over whether or not you'd like us,' Lira told me, grinning.

'I don't think she should worry,' I smile back, 'It looks to me as though you guys are awesome!'

I chose then to look at Mythsha, who was wearing a huge smile.

'Come on guys! Let's show her our house!' the four of them chorused.

'Bye Ember! I'll see you tomorrow!' I call, as Seraline started dragging me with them.

'Bye! Have fun!' She called back, waving.

Sorry it's so short, I hit a massive bit of writer's block..... So umm yeah, please don't hunt me down. Or I'll RETALIATE.

Have a nice day, vote if you are enjoying so far and DO NOT FORGET TO EAT COOKIES AND CAKE. They are nutritious.

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