The City of Ignition.

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I turn and walk back to the blaze spawner, my mind going into overdrive as I tried to think of a solution to my problem. Wait for one to spawn? No, too unlikely. I was so involved in this, I walked into Ember.

'Sorry! I should pay more attention to where I walk. Where's Flame?'

Ember gives me an amused look before replying, 'Yeah, you probably should, Flame's at home. Why did you run off before?'

'Oh, I just needed time alone. I still haven't gotten over what happened. By the way, do you know where I could get some obsidian?' I ask. Maybe she had some, you never know.



'I personally don't, but my brother does.' She turns and indicates I should follow.

We walk for about 200 blocks when she stops in front of a blank, netherrack wall. I look for anything different or special about this wall. But I see nothing.

'Ember, why did you stop?'

Ember turns and says, 'I'm about to let you see where we hide our valuables. Things like diamonds and tools we have scavenged, from players who met their unfortunate deaths here. I am only doing this because I trust you. And you belong here.'

'I promise not to tell anyone-what the nether?!' I gasp, as Ember walks straight through the wall. I reach out and attempt to touch one of the blocks. As my hand reaches the wall, instead of stopping, it goes straight through. I take a breath, and walk through. Only to come out unharmed inside a massive cavern.

It took my breath away. The cavern was at least ten times as big as any in the overworld. Everywhere I looked there was activity. A small group of magma cubes hopped past, carrying chests on their backs and I even saw some other humans.

'What is this place?' I say, unable to keep the admiration out of my voice. Ember glances at the look look on my face.

'Welcome to the city of Ignition, my friend.'

Ember starts walking and I follow, receiving curious looks from the other mobs. One of the other humans came up, and started to talking to Ember.

'How you going Ember? I haven't seen you in ages!' The new arrival asks, laughing, before starting an in depth discussion about redstone. I look at her.

She had black skin, and I'm not trying to be racist saying that. Her skin was literally the colour of coal. Her hair was brown, save at the ends where it faded to red, as well as eyes like lava. She had a blue shirt on that had a picture of a wrapped lolly on it, with denim shorts.

'-and who's this Ember?' The new girl asks.

'Oh, that's SilverGarnet. She is a new spawn, only she spawned in the over world-'


The girl exclaims excitedly, before continuing 'I've always wanted to go there, only I'm not allowed to as it's apparently too dangerous. I'm Mythsha by the way.'

I smile. Maybe things were going right for once.

'Yes, I have been to the overworld, in fact I spawned there and should of died but somehow I came here instead.' I say, unable to stop the grin creeping across my face. Man, her enthusiasm's infectious.

Mythsha went silent for a bit, then asks 'So, do you have somewhere to stay?'

', why?' I reply, curious.

'If you want to stay with me I have an extra room.' She replies, looking at me.

'I'd love to!! Thank you.' I say happily.

'Okay, I'd better tell the others, I'll meet you at the fountain at six, to show you where it is!' She says, before running off.

I turn and face Ember, 'Where's the fountain?'

She smiles.

'I'll show you at six. I was just wondering where you would stay, but it's not a issue now. However, we still need a job for you. But first off, let's see Flame about that obsidian you needed.'

I nod and follow. My life has turned upside down and I don't want it to change.


First off. Sorry for the wait. I had to create Mythsha's skin, which took a while. Oh and I had stuff in real life happen, a little bit of writers block, but it went away...yes! I'm thinking of asking for suggestions of character names. They are annoying as heck to come up with. If you have any be sure to tell me in the comments.

Hope you enjoyed,


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