Entry VIII - The Uncrucified

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It wasn't till my arrival in Dinas Rhydd long after my journey as Koh had begun that I would learn what the witnesses of that day had dubbed me - The Uncrucified. I loved the poetry of that. Whether I was murderer or not, those in the crowd that day knew my innocence and spread the whispers of my name across the city of Nexus and beyond like wildfire.

In my first days as Koh, I followed the rivers, venturing along the roads gathering slaves and runaways to me. I lived up to my bandit king namesake, making Guild caravans ours, with special attention to those shipments I knew were coming from my old friend Oroshu. The symbol of the Eclipse that I saw in my vision painted over the Guild's insignia became ours. The phoenix became our symbol, a portent of a greater future rising from the ashes of the Guild's failings.

In each hub city I passed through, I left the seed of a trading post, the first threads in the golden tapestry that would become the Pristine Guild. All roads eventually led to Dinas Rhydd, the free city. Planted in a barren terrain that would not yield where none would dare to settle, our city of slaves scratched out an existence. It might have ended there when the first armies sent by the Guild lay siege to the city or when the barbarian hordes threatened from the north, but it didn't.

The constant war awakened in me even more newfound strength I had never experienced before. Essence flows in my veins and in my being. I've become quicker than lightning and more deadly with firewands than father could have ever dreamed. He was right all this time. In the hands of a 'Righteous Devil', firewands have become for me more than mere tools, but a path to salvation. My heart knows the fire's path and my enemies are purified in its flames.

With the help of myself and my newfound companions, all who also bear the mark of the sun as I do, the city has outlasted where no other would. The fields have grown from the tears of a sorceress. The wisdom and compassion of an exiled Realm soldier have kept it safe. The inspiring words, and superior baking, of a warrior-monk have kept spirits high. The watchful eyes of the two guardian shadows at my side have kept us safe in dire times. The divine craftsmanship of a master artisan has restored it from ruins. Finally, my Pristine Guild has grown from a thread into a grand weave, bringing prosperity and stability within our walls. Our Circle is complete and with them at my side, I feel like we can accomplish anything.

I never would have believed in destiny had I not seen the things I have seen and done the things I have done. We discover new potential within ourselves every day. Gods have dined at our table and ancient wonders come to life, revitalizing the city with new marvels and bringing the populace grander days than we ever could have hoped for or imagined.

Some will say we are monsters, and I tell you now this is false. I have seen real monsters. They are the greedy who build their wealth atop the scarred backs of their fellow man. They are the fearful who would keep the world as it is through deception and murder. They are the blind who cannot accept what they do not understand.

Some will call us gods, but this is also false. A god chose us to change the world, but we are only the instruments of this change. You, the people, are the perpetuators of change. Your dreams will shape the future of Creation. Your children's children will be the drops of rain that turn into a deluge, each one inspired to be better and more enlightened than the last.

They will call us Anathema, but we are no demons, no mindless shells. I am possessed only by my own passion. I finally have the power to protect the good I've seen in this world, even though I was born into cruelty. Even before this path came to me, I have always had power, just as you do. As strong as I may become, I know that true power lies in the ability to abandon fear and to continue forwards, even when you have tasted defeat.

If you are reading this memoir, my time in the sun has passed. Do not let this be an end to it. Let courage assuage fear, let love despoil cruelty. Dare to dream of a different world the way you never thought you could envision it. Answer hatred with ruthless compassion.

I am Kalara Vadras. I am Koh the Silver-Tongued Devil. I am a slave, a bandit king, a businesswoman, a daughter, and now I am nothing but a story. Let my story become yours. Let the world be what you make of it.


Righteous Devil (aka. Righteous Devil Style) - A martial arts style created by a Solar Exalted. This style specializes in the use of firewands in a martial art designed to punish the wicked with holy flames and exact terrible and swift justice on the Righteous Devil's enemies. However, few practitioners still exist, as most are vanquished by the mysterious founder of the style, who will hunt down and destroy any of his students who turn from the path of righteousness. Kalara inherited this style from her soul shard's previous owner.

Guest Starring (by mention instead of by name, so as to protect them should they not wish to be known publicly.)

- The Sorceress with tears that grow the fields, our Circle's Twilight Caste - Darimina Xesa - (Player Character), an eccentric sorceress who shares her library with those who seek knowledge.

- The Ex-Realm Soldier, our Circle's Dawn Caste - Cathak Demiato (Player Character), commander of the city guard and protector of Dinas Rhydd, she fights to restore her honor and make amends for her past as a Realm soldier.

- The Warrior Monk with Superior Baking, our Circle's Zenith Caste - Chaos Divide (Player Character), who despite his simplicity, is a warrior to be feared, especially by the Fey, and a vigorous baker of cookies which he offers to friends and foe alike.

- The Two Guardian Shadows, aka Night Locust (Player Character) and Arc of Silence (NPC), Night Locust being the Night Caste of our Circle - The child assassins who came to Dinas Rhydd seeking freedom and eventually found themselves employed as Kalara's bodyguards. Arc has also been essence-awakened by Xesa and possesses powers beyond any mortal.

- The Divine Craftsman, our Circle's other Twilight Caste - Voice of the Orichalcum Forge (Player Character) whose artistry is known far and wide and who has been a large part of repairing the city's ancient manses.

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