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I'm currently at Sammy's house with The jacks, Marina, Kendall, Harry, shawn and colleen. I decided to invite Coll because we have a lot in common and she seems really nice. I think she would be a great addition to our friend group, which now includes 11 people. Possibly 13 if the whole thing with Mandy and loren works out.

The doorbell rings and assuming that it's Nate, Swazz, Mandy and Loren, I get up to answer.

"Hi!" I say with a smile on my face as I open the door, but my smile quickly fades when I realize that it's Derek and Vanessa.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snap.

"You texted the group chat." Derek says in a duh tone.

"You should've known we wouldn't want you or her here!" I yell.

"Jules what's happening?" Sam asks and walks up to the door. His jaw drops when he see's who's there. "Get out of my house." He says.

"No, we were invited." Vanessa says.

"NO YOU WEREN'T!" Sam and I yell in sync.

"Well we're coming in anyway." Derek says and pushes past us.

We just huff and walk into the living room with them, there's obviously no point in trying to kick them out. As soon as I sit down I hear the door open.

"If it's not nate and swazz I'm going home." I mumble.

Thankfully, The people that walk into the living room are in fact, Nate swazz Mandy and loren.

"Hey guys!" Marina smiles.

"Hey." Nate says. "This is mandy."

"Hi." Mandy says and waves.

We all say hi and wave in return.

"This is Loren." Swazz says and loren waves shyly. We all go around the room introducing ourselves.











I cut Derek off,

"He's irrelevant, so is the girl beside him." I say with an innocent smile.

Mandy and Loren both nod hesitantly, confused looks on their faces. We all just sit around for a few minutes before Sam speaks up,

"Wanna play truth or dare?"

We all nod and sit down in a circle.

"Sam you go first, since you suggested this." I say.

"Alright, Derek. Truth or dare."

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