AntiSeptic and Horror Strikes

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Y/N POV: It had been a couple of days since Host came to visit me. He visited a LOT. Almost once every couple of hours. Everyone visited at some point, telling me that everything was gonna be okay. And somehow, I believed them. Anti came in just about as often as Host to check on my eye... Eye socket... The first time he came in was a little nerve wracking.

   "Hey, Y/N! How ya fellin?" Anti walked in casually. I looked up at him and smiled.

   "Pretty good! Except for the fact that my missing eye is treating me like a bitch. It hurts like hell." I complained. Anti smirked.

   "That's why I came in to see you. I have something for you." Anti sat next to the bed and handed me a tube of cream.

   "What's this?" I was curious.

   "Why AntiSeptic of course! It's to make sure your eye socket doesn't get infected." I smiled before looking down at the cream and realizing that it was glowing green.

   "Thanks, Anti! But... Is it supposed to be glowing like that?" I was a bit nervous. Anti chuckled a little.

   "That's because I harvest my own AntiSeptic..." I looked confused as all hell.

   "What do you mean?" I questioned.

   "Watch!" Anti looked like a little kid that was about to show his parents a magic trick that he learned how to do. He pulled apart his eyelids with one hand, while unscrewing the AntiSeptic cream with the other. I watch in amazement as some vibrant green liquid dripped out of his eye and into the tube. I was taken aback.

   "Woah! What the hell?" I was amazed and disgusted at the exact same time.

   "I found out that I could do that around a year after I was created! In my left eye, there's AntiSeptic, in the right, there's acid!" I laughed.

   "We could use your right eye to defeat Wilford!"I joked. Anti laughed a little.

   "Actually, you're kind of right... Dark actually told me to use my right eye to get some acid for the battle with Wilford and VSP!" I looked shocked.

   "I can predict the future!" I joked. Anti laughed before a couple other people walked in. It was Selena and Kim.

   "Hey, Y/N!" Kim smiled. I was totally happy to see them.

   "Hey guys!" I smiled back.

   "How are you?" Selena asked.

   "Pretty good. Light and LSE told me that my wounds and scars are healing up faster than they thought they would. So they should be healed in a few months. Sounds like a long time, but way shorter than they thought it would be!" They both had their mouths open.

   "THAT'S GREAT!" Selena and Kimberly said at the same time, before running over to the bed to hug me. I laughed and hugged them back. 

   "I'm not tryin to ruin this beautiful moment girls but... I kind of have to put this AntiSeptic in Y/N's eye socket..." They looked over at Anti.

   "Oh, sorry babe!" Selena blushed.

   "It's alright, as soon as I put this stuff on, you guys can see Y/N for a couple of hours. But I have to put it on every couple of hours through the daytime." They nodded and walked out.

   "Ready?" Anti asked.

   "As ready as I'll ever be."

   That was a few days ago. I was healing fast and my eye was feeling better. Plus, I was getting used to the no depth perception thing. It was hard but I would learn to live with it. Everybody was totally cool with how I looked now. They said that the scars make me look cool and the eye patch made it look like I was super tough... Like Undyne...

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