Chapter 1- The childhood

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So this first chapter starts out as him being 4-5 years old. I hope you like this book. This book will have many serious things so just to warn you. This whole book is from Cory's point of view.


"Oscar!" I was chasing after my dog Oscar around the yard while my Mother Ellie sits on the back porch watching happily. Oscar was a German shephard. I was about ready to catch Oscar before he jumped over a big stick and I tripped. I could hear the sorry sounding laughs from my Mom.

"Awww! Oscar!" I got up from the muddy grass and I wiped the mud from my shorts and shirt along with my knees and hands. Oscar was staring up at me wagging his tail and looking all innocent. Seriously? How could I be mad at that?

"You okay Cory?" Mom walked through the grass over to me and she looked at my dirty clothes and she laughed.

"You just took a bath this morning. Couldn't you have waited." She smiled and picked me up in her arms.

She started jogging through the yard and I held out my arms pretending to be an airplane. "Vrooom!" I tried making the noise a plane makes but it came out more like a fart and I giggled hearing that.

My Mom walked up the steps of he back porch and I rolled out of her arms and onto the floor. I ran up to the back door hearing the loud voices of my older sister Mary and my dad Andrew. I pulled open the door to see them talking and laughing together.

"Mary!" I quickly ran over to her and got in her lap before she could protest. I looked up at the happy smile on her face and I giggled.

"What have you been up to?" Mary noticed the dirt all over me and she put me down laughing. I shrugged and ran back towards my Mom who was standing in the doorway.

"Time for you to get another bath." My Mom quickly picked me up and carried me sideways to the bathroom. I laughed and tried getting away because I hated baths.

"Nooo!" I squealed nervously as I was put down onto the bathroom floor. I looked down at the bathtub and my Mom crouched down to turn the water on. She kept feeling the temperature of the water to make sure it wasn't to hot or to cold.

"Okay Cory, you know what to do. Get in and when you are done I'll bring in new clothes." She stopped the water and she put bubbles in just like I liked it.

After that she left the bathroom but didn't close the door to make sure I was okay. I quickly took off my muddy clothes and I got in.

I giggled playing with the bubbles in he water. I put them around my face and hair making it look like I had long hair and a beard. After that I took them off my face and blew it back into he water from my hands.

I splashed the water to see if the bubbles disappeared not minding the water getting on the floor. 

Once I got out I quickly dried myself off and got dressed. I loved getting out of the baths all the time. I love curling up in a blanket afterwards and just sleeping the whole day.

I ran out into the living room where my Mother, Father, Mary, and Oscar sit. I ran up to each one of them and hugged them. I was always told I was amazing at hugs, it was funny.

"Goodnight! Oscar come on." I said goodnight to my family and ran back into my bedroom with Oscar. He sat next to the bed waiting for me to get ready for him to be able to get up. He jumped up on the bed and curled up next to my legs. I couldn't help but smile. Oscar was always my best friend.

As I smiled down at Oscar who was resting his head on my legs I let out a happy sigh. He was always there, I know it is stupid because he doesn't really understand what I'm saying but still. He can tell when I'm in need of emotional support.

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