true about girls

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This One is for Girls:

Why Girls Are worth Loving ??

-The Way She gets Puzzled Up

& Low when She Sees you Cry,


-The Way She Wants you;

to Hold Her Hand In front of your Friends,

-The Way when even She is Upset;

She Says: "I Love you Too..♥",

-The Way She Sweetly Cross;

Every Level of Immaturity for you,

-The Way She Holds you;

When you Hug Her,

-The Way She Forgets Her Worries & Says:

"kya hua, Tell Me Something, I'm here for you",

-The Way She gets Angry at you;

& in a Split Second She is Convinced by your Smiling Sorry,

-The Way She gts Jealous;

When Some Girl Tries to Come Near you,

-The Way She Dies to Meet you;

& Every time Says: "Ab nahi Milungi, Evn if you Say",

-The Way She forgets Evry Mistake of yours;

just to be with U & the Best,

-The Way Tears Come Rollin in Her Eyes;

the Time She Heard the Word "Break Up" from you, ♥ :)

so give respect 2 girls.....!!

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