Chapter 1 - Dean's POV

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*A few years later*

As my alarm rings, I slip halfway off my bed and groan. "It's too early," I mumble to myself, in that raspy, morning voice I've always had. The tone to "Ramble On" by Led Zeppelin rang from my phone as I picked it up and dragged my feet to the closet.

"Sammy- It's too early," I say as i let out a groan and ruffle my fingers through my hair. "Yeah, I know- but I haven't been to bed. I've been at the library researching stuff." I stopped in my place and swallowed. "Seriously? That's where you've been?" I hear a crack as I roll my neck and look through the plaid shirts in my closet. Black, blue, and purple? Or red, white, and black? After a few seconds of ignoring Sam, I toss the hanger from the black, blue, and purple one onto the closet floor.  I grab a plain black shirt, slip it on, and then the plaid shirt over it. "Dean? Hello?"

"Yeah sorry. I was getting a shirt." I shiver as chills escalate up my spine, and then around my torso. "What the heck was that," I mumble away from the phone. "What was what?" He heard me? "It got really cold in my room, it's nothing Sam."

I heard a laugh come from the other side, and then Sam say "Maybe it's something...supernatural..." I pause and roll my eyes. "Funny. Meet me for coffee in ten. Bye Sammy." He mumbles a bye, and I slip on my shoes and make it outside. The air was warm, people were playing at the park outside of our apartment. The sun was shining and birds were chirping. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary other than the feeling of someone following behind me. 

I freeze in my spot, and look around to make sure no one was. "Weird," I whisper, and make my way down the street.

A few blocks later, I swing open the door and the bell goes off. "There you are!" He walks over to me, with his coffee in his hands. I order the usual, and grab a seat at the closest booth. Sam sits across from me, and flops his arms down onto the table in front of him. "I've been having those dreams again, Dean. I'm not sure why."

 "I've been getting these weird feelings, Sam. It's just weird." I miss the table, and coffee spills down my pants. A gush of wind flows around me and napkins float onto my lap. "Thanks for completely ignoring me," he says under his breath. 

I look up to Sam and raise my eyebrow. "Thanks for the napkins," I say, wiping up the mess. "I didn't give you any??" My vision focuses, to find a brown haired guy wearing a trench coat sitting at the booth behind him. "Then who did?" He shrugged his shoulders, and took a sip of his coffee. "Hey I had another one of those dreams."

"Yeah I heard you the first time, but Sammy, it was years ago when you stopped having them. Why are you suddenly having them again?" I tilt my head, and look at him. "I don't know, but it was me. I was alone in my room, and I sort of had enough, you know?" The pit in my stomach sinks as his voice gets softer and softer. "Yeah."

"And I was sitting there on the floor, I was rolling the blade around in my finger, and then I felt this gush of wind... that's all I really remember." "I swear to God, Sammy. If you hurt yourself again..." My voice deepened, and the booth fell silent. "Dean, I know. I'm not an idiot." He furrowed his eyebrows and picked up the empty cup. "Okay, whatever you say." I don't look at him; I take my cup and throw it out and made my way outside. "Are you serious?" He followed behind me and slipped his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "Yeah, I am; because you never do what you say, Sam. I'm sorry. Yeah, I know you're okay...but are you REALLY okay?"

"What's that supposed to mean, Dean?" He followed me like a lost puppy. Walk and talk, walk and talk. "I just- I know you're not completely okay. I just know."

"- And I know you're not completely okay either, but I'm not being a jerk about it." His voice was harsh. I stopped, and turned to him. "I'm not being a jerk about it. It's just the truth." I place my hand on his shoulder, press my lips together, then continue walking.

"Whatever Dean, I'll see you later."

"See you later, Sammy."

I walked farther, and he walked the opposite direction back to the library. "Castiel- Lord knows if you're out there. Literally." I laugh. "But man, I'm still having my doubts, okay? Why couldn't you just stay?"

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